New Belgium's 'spiritual side': After unexpected 30 years, longest-tenured employee to retire

Fresh off of a 10-hour grounds crew shift at New Belgium Brewing, Brian Callahan waltzed into the brewery's airy liquid center and wove behind its rows of taps one afternoon late last month.

Soon, with a just-cracked can of Fruit Smash seltzer in hand, he settled into New Belgium's cozy staff room — a quiet space tucked away from the brewery's bustling flow.

Drawing his finger across a 10- or 12-foot-long swath of the room's northeast corner, Callahan, 56, recalled just how tiny New Belgium was when he started working for the brewery in 1992.

"It's just mind blowing the level of complexity now compared to the early days," Callahan said.

When Callahan got involved with the brewery, New Belgium was still in its basement era — operating out of the west Fort Collins home of founders and then-couple Kim Jordan and Jeff Lebesch. Callahan, then 26, was looking for some short-term commercial brewing experience he could use to open his own brewpub one day.

He never expected his volunteer bottling shifts in Jeff and Kim's basement to turn into a full-time job and, eventually, a career he'd retire from. But that's exactly what happened.

On Feb. 14, his 30th anniversary with New Belgium Brewing, Callahan will retire, ending his run as the brewery's longest-tenured employee.

Over his three decades there, Callahan went from helping with bottling and production to delivering cases of Fat Tire, Abbey and Old Cherry Ales around Fort Collins in the brewery's loaded-down Toyota Previa minivan.

New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan prunes an apple tree at the brewery's orchard in Fort Collins, Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022. After 30 years at New Belgium, Callahan is retiring from New Belgium. He is the brewery's longest tenured employee and first employee owner, with his time at New Belgium dating back to 1992
New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan prunes an apple tree at the brewery's orchard in Fort Collins, Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022. After 30 years at New Belgium, Callahan is retiring from New Belgium. He is the brewery's longest tenured employee and first employee owner, with his time at New Belgium dating back to 1992

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He became the company's first employee owner years before it rolled out its first iteration of an employee stock ownership plan in 2000. He served in various management roles in both production and human resources. And for nearly 20 years, until 2020, he had the enviable title of New Belgium's Director of Fun.

After getting to know its ins, Callahan has focused his final two years at New Belgium getting to know its outs — rounding out his career as a gardener on the brewery's grounds crew. The move was a way for Callahan to spend more time outside, learn some new skills and ease into retirement, he said.

He made his move to the grounds crew in early 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

“It was fortuitous timing, because who wants to be the Director of Fun in a pandemic?” Callahan said with a laugh.

But that wasn't Callahan's only experience with fortuitous timing.

“Everybody always says, ‘Wow, you were in the right place at the right time,’ ” Callahan said of his beginnings at New Belgium, which allowed him to get in on the brewery's ground floor before its meteoric rise. “And I was. I was there and they needed me.”

The best brewed plans

If things had gone according to plan, Callahan would probably be in Baltimore right now.

After being born and raised in Maryland — and running off to the Rocky Mountains after college — Callahan had landed in Laramie, Wyoming, by the early 1990s.

While his day jobs painting houses and teaching literacy and GED courses at Laramie's Albany County Jail were paying the bills, "I knew I didn’t want to do either one of those for the rest of my life," Callahan recalled.

"By this time, I'd become an avid home brewer … and the craft brewing explosion had begun," he added.

Callahan's dream was to move back to Baltimore to open a brewpub of his very own, with him running the brewery side and his then-girlfriend, Stacey Hopner, handling the restaurant part of the business.

He knew he'd need commercial brewing experience, though, so he reached out to two new microbreweries — Otto Brothers' Brewing of Wilson, Wyoming, and New Belgium Brewing, a tiny operation that had sprouted out of Jordan and Lebesch's Fort Collins basement a year earlier.

Callahan had previously toured New Belgium with a fellow homebrewer friend and felt inspired by Lebesch, an engineer who had built this "scaled-up version of a home brew system," Callahan said.

“It was fantastic in the sense that it inspired me to think I could open my own brewery," Callahan said. "Just seeing that was like, 'Wow, I think I could do this.'"

Otto Brothers' Brewing turned down Callahan's offer to help out at the brewery for free, but New Belgium said sure. As a start-up, volunteer help was always welcome, "and it seemed like a good fit," Jordan recalled in an interview with the Coloradoan earlier this month.

Callahan commuted from Laramie a few days a week, spending five-hour shifts bottling case upon case of 22-ounce New Belgium bottles with another volunteer, he said.

Just over a month later, Jordan said she and Lebesch were impressed with Callahan's work ethic and attitude. They offered him a catch-all job helping with production, bottling and deliveries as the brewery was ramping up to move out of its basement and into the historic Union Pacific freight depot at 350 Linden St.

Meanwhile, Callahan and Hopner were still hatching their brewpub plan. Hopner was a teacher, and Callahan suggested she move out to Baltimore ahead of him so she could get a job for the upcoming school year.

Once the brewery had finished its renovation and moved into 350 Linden St. in fall 1992, he would follow close behind, Callahan said.

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Brian Callahan is pictured in New Belgium's first nonbasement brewery at 350 Linden St. in Fort Collins. Callahan planned to leave the brewery after its move to Linden Street but ended up staying on for 30 years.
Brian Callahan is pictured in New Belgium's first nonbasement brewery at 350 Linden St. in Fort Collins. Callahan planned to leave the brewery after its move to Linden Street but ended up staying on for 30 years.

After Hopner moved to the East Coast, Callahan was no longer tied to Laramie. In an effort to save money, cut his commute and avoid getting a short-term rental in Fort Collins, Callahan said he got permission to crash on the couch in New Belgium's forthcoming Linden Street brewery.

“Prior to that, it was a newsprint shop so there was black dust and puddles of black ink everywhere. It was the grossest place to live," Callahan said, recalling sleeping on a brewery couch and showering with a hose over a floor drain.

He continued this no-frills brewery living from roughly August to December 1992, with plans to move to Baltimore by Christmas.

“At one point, Jeff and I were like, 'OK he’s getting ready to leave and we don’t want him to leave. What is it that we do to incent him to stay?' " Jordan recalled.

Lebesch came to Callahan with an offer he couldn't refuse — a solid salary, full benefits package and a 10% pot of equity in the company he could earn over a five-year period.

"I called Stacey that night about the offer and she said, ‘Well, you gotta take it. It’s everything you want,' " Callahan said.

But after moving to Baltimore to chase Callahan's brewpub dream, Hopner also said something else.

"Basically, she said, 'I moved across the country for a boyfriend once. I'm not doing that again,' " Callahan said with a laugh. So while Hopner was visiting Callahan in Fort Collins for Thanksgiving that year, he proposed. When she did ultimately move back across the country, it wasn't for a boyfriend, but a fiance.

The couple married in July 1993 and went on to have two kids: a son named Madison and a daughter, Sidney. Callahan soon settled into his growing roles at New Belgium — salary, benefits, ownership stake and all.

"It was the beginning of New Belgium always taking care of their employees," he said.

New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan is retiring after 30 years at New Belgium. He is the brewery's longest tenured employee and first employee owner, with his time at New Belgium dating back to 1992
New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan is retiring after 30 years at New Belgium. He is the brewery's longest tenured employee and first employee owner, with his time at New Belgium dating back to 1992

'A constant state of change'

Bolstered by wins at the Great American Beer Festival and the growing popularity of their then-rare Belgian-style beers, New Belgium Brewing outgrew its brewery at 350 Linden St. within three years.

In fall 1995, it relocated down the street to 500 Linden St., where it built a 28,000-square-foot brew house to better handle the 28,000 barrels of beer it was brewing annually, according to the Coloradoan archives.

As production and distribution continued to explode, Callahan said he sold his 10% stake in the company to help create New Belgium's phantom stock plan around 1999. A few years later, Jordan and Lebesch would sell about 30% more of their own stake to create the brewery's employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. After the inception of the ESOP, Callahan and other New Belgium employees got stock in the company every six months, Callahan said.

The company would go fully employee-owned in 2012 and remain that way until 2019, when it was acquired by international beverage conglomerate Lion Little World Beverages.

Following his 1999 stock sale, "that gave me some financial freedom," Callahan recalled. And after working 50- to 60- hour weeks in production and human resource management roles, he was ready for a change.

"I said to Kim and Jeff, 'I'm not power hungry, I'm not money hungry and my kids are only young once.' "

Around 1999 or 2000, Callahan said he stepped down into a 25-hour-per-week supporting role.

In another big change around that time, Lebesch semi-retired in 2001, stepping down into a consulting role he would remain in until 2009, when he fully left the company and he and Jordan divorced. Jordan served as New Belgium's CEO until 2015, when she moved into a hybrid role as chair of the brewery's board of directors.

By 2003, Callahan parlayed his part-time supporting role into a job organizing outings and visits for VIP clients and distributors, soon becoming known as New Belgium's Director of Fun.

"I’m a very easygoing person, so being comfortable with change worked well for most people here because it was a constant state of change," Callahan said of his ever-evolving roles at the brewery.

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Jordan likened Callahan's energy at New Belgium to a mix of hardworking practicality, "but also one based in love and appreciation," she said.

Throughout his time there, Callahan served in management roles but also remained a steadfast force on New Belgium's employee volleyball team, which still meets most weeks at a pair of sand volleyball courts Callahan said he pushed for when the 500 Linden St. brewery was being constructed in 1995.

Like clockwork each week, he also still posts photocopied brewing textbook pages and brewery articles on New Belgium's bathroom stall walls — a New Belgium "bathroom reading" tradition that he has kept up almost as long as he's worked at the brewery.

"I'm thrilled for him," Jordan said of her friend's upcoming retirement. "But I'm a tiny bit worried for New Belgium."

Losing longtime employees is part of the natural rhythm of an evolving company, Jordan added, but she hopes New Belgium can find a way to make sure "the kinds of energy Brian brings to things still exists."

"If Jeff was the engineering and mechanical part of New Belgium and I was the humanistic, brand side of New Belgium, Brian would be the spiritual side," Jordan said.

"I think all three of those attributes were really important to our success, and I am wildly grateful for all of those years of heart and dedication and care that Brian has made sure to come to work with every day," she added.

In his final two years at New Belgium, Callahan said he's truly enjoyed his thrice-weekly shifts on its grounds crew. With a podcast playing in his ears, he kicks off each shift by walking around the brewery's perimeter, picking up trash and taking note of broken branches or plants in need of some extra TLC.

When new weeds bloomed in the summer, he pulled them. When it snowed this winter, he shoveled.

Earlier this season, for the second time during his tenure as gardener, he pruned New Belgium's orchard, which is filled with about 130 fruit trees planted for New Belgium employees in honor of their 10-year anniversaries with the company. That tradition ended years ago, Callahan said, but the trees remain — sprouting off clusters of Montmorency cherries, crisp apples, juicy peaches and apricots each year.

New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan prunes an apple tree at the brewery's orchard in Fort Collins on Wednesday.
New Belgium's master gardener Brian Callahan prunes an apple tree at the brewery's orchard in Fort Collins on Wednesday.

Soon after starting as gardener, Callahan said he noticed the orchard was in desperate need of a new map. Its original one was years-old, handwritten and outdated.

Callahan went through the orchard tree by tree, cataloging what kind of tree it was and which employee it had been planted for — each tree is still marked with little brass name tags.

"Going through and mapping and pruning those trees was just the coolest experience," Callahan said. "I would see these people’s names and think about (them) because, you know, I worked with all these people — they all came after me."

So there he was, almost 30 years later, doing what he did best: tending to New Belgium's legacy.

Introducing 7 All

The label for New Belgium's 7 All lager, a special beer brewed in honor of Brian Callahan's retirement.
The label for New Belgium's 7 All lager, a special beer brewed in honor of Brian Callahan's retirement.

In honor of Brian Callahan's retirement, New Belgium is introducing "7 All," a special golden lager brewed with 100% Troubadour maltings, "whole volleyballs and love," according to New Belgium.

The name comes from New Belgium's Thursday night volleyball matches, which Callahan helped spearhead alongside former New Belgium brewer Peter Bouckaert.

"Whenever Peter would serve, he would always announce that the score was 7-all," Kim Jordan explained to the Coloradoan. "Seven is sort of our magic number when you don’t know the answer to something (at New Belgium). We always say the answer is seven. It was also Peter’s way of saying the score doesn’t really matter; we’re out here having fun."

The 7 All label features a picture of Callahan, as well as an homage to the 30-year New Belgium employee. "As one of New Belgium's first employees, Brian's legacy impact on NBB is endless," it reads. "Director of fun, historian, storyteller, gardener, keeper of culture and let's not forget, leader of Thursday night volleyball. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you."

Erin Udell reports on news, culture, history and more for the Coloradoan. Contact her at The only way she can keep doing what she does is with your support. If you subscribe, thank you. If not, sign up for a digital subscription to the Coloradoan today.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: New Belgium's longest-tenured employee Brian Callahan retiring