Alighieri Hosts Italian Piazza Pop-Up in London

London-based jewelry brand Alighieri is launching an Italy-inspired pop-up in the heart of West London, inspired by the founder's time in Florence.

Taking place at Television Centre, Mercato Alighieri promises a world full of colour and seeks to bring the bustling energy of Florence to the U.K. The market will see Mariella's Bridal - one of the oldest boutiques in the square - host a pop-up featuring a curated edit of Alighieri's "Modern Heirlooms" collection, comprised of pearl earrings, chunky chokers and molten diamond rings.

Elsewhere, the pastel-hued structures will be home to an Italian-inspired Piazza where families and friends can reunite alongside authentic food and drink. Gelato will be served by Badiani at Gelateria Notte with aperitivos provided by SELECT Spritz Venezia bar, and Alighieri's iconic trattoria Casa Luna will be on hand to serve hand-rolled pasta. Furthering the immersive experience, guests can also book tickets for wine tasting with Amber Gardner, a sommelier at NoMad Hotel in London.

"Alighieri has always been about bringing people together through the universal language of jewelry, and this is an extension of that principle. We invite friends, families and strangers to soak up the atmosphere of Italy and celebrate friendships new and old," says Alighieri's founder Rosh Mahtani in a press release.

Alighieri was founded by Mahtani when she was going through a dark time, after finding solace in the story of Italian poet Dante Alighieri who was lost in a dark wood in search of strength and courage. "I fell in love with Dante’s work and his hometown when I was 19," Mahtani says, adding that "the Mercato Alighieri is inspired by my memories of living in this historic and magical city; reminiscing about times spent strolling along the Arno, sitting on the steps of the Chiesa Santo Spirito with an aperitivo, and chasing the spirit of Dante through the cobbled streets and frescoed buildings."

Mercato Alighieri will run from June 9-19. In other pasta-related news, check out the new Pasta Bag from Nik Bentel.