‘My 8-year-old daughter asked me to buy her a ouija board — should I?’

A mom wasn’t sure whether or not she should buy her 8-year-old daughter a ouija board, and parents were split.

While some parents firmly believe in “the other side” — like this mom who swears her nursery monitor captured something paranormal in her baby’s crib — others say it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus.

Posted to the Subreddit r/Parenting, the mom explained the situation.

“My daughter loves stories about unicorns and mermaids and is a very girly girl. Me, on the other hand, I would definitely say I’m more on the dark aesthetic side.

“She tells me that I’m a dark lady (we listen to that song by Cher, and she loves calling me dark lady whenever we listen to it). With that being said, I have spooky decor here and there, but specifically, I have a ouija coffee mug I drink out of, which has led her to ask me about getting a ouija board.

“I used to have one when I was younger, around 11 years old, and loved it. Nothing crazy ever happened from using it, but it was always fun to play with my friends and family and see if anything scary would happen.

“Is 8 too young to buy my daughter one, or should I just go for it?”

According to psychotherapist Roxanne Francis, at the daughter’s age, children are exploring and learning about the world as they approach adolescence.

“Children are often interested in things that are new and intriguing. This child’s interest is just that — interest,” Francis explains.

“As a parent, finding out about what sparked her interest and engaging with the child on the topic is more important than actually purchasing [a ouija board]. This is a great opportunity for a discussion (not grilling or a lecture) about how she became interested in this board [and] what she’s expecting from it.”

Francis encourages parents to build relationships through communication rather than push their kids away.

“Even if [the ouija board] is something that you are not in agreement with, please be careful that you do not use your opinion to shut her down. This can be a great opportunity for connection, but if you shut her down, it can push her away from you,” says Francis.

“If your answer is no (regardless of your reason), this should also be used as a time for communication. Explain your answer and invite her to express how she feels (disappointment, frustration, etc.). If you do decide to make the purchase, ask the child if she would be willing to use it with you first and try to make it a fun activity.”

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Parents couldn’t decide if the mom should buy a ouija board

“I think it’s fine, but I also don’t believe in ghosts or magic. It’s just another make-believe game to me,” one Redditor replied.

“Would there be a reason not to?” another Redditor asked. “They sell it at Walmart, it’s not some mystic artifact.”

“As long as she knows it’s not real, no harm no foul,” commented another Redditor.

“Just make sure she is aware that some people find them unsettling for various reasons, be it religious or superstition, so were she to want to show it off to her friends, you might get some pushback or comments from other parents,” suggested one Redditor.

“My only hang-up is if she plays with it when friends are over, you’re likely to encounter strong reactions from other parents, including them separating their children from yours, based on their superstition. So I wouldn’t, just to avoid that heartache,” one Redditor wrote.

“The only time I ever played with a ouija board, my ceiling fan came crashing off my ceiling, so I’d say no,” one Redditor shared.

While we may not ever know if this mom ended up purchasing her daughter a “talking board,” hopefully it inspired some insightful communication and connection between the mother-daughter pair.

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