70 Mother’s Day Messages That Will Make Her Day

Photo credit: xavierarnau - Getty Images
Photo credit: xavierarnau - Getty Images

There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, support, and friendship. Mother’s Day reminds us to honor those bonds: to show our appreciation for the biological moms, stepmoms, grandmothers, mom friends, and any other mother figures who make a difference in our lives. If you’re having trouble finding the right words for the cards, notes, or texts to go along with your last minute Mother’s Day gifts, don’t worry—we’ve put together heartfelt sentiments that will brighten up the holiday for the magnificent mothers in your world.

Classic Mother’s Day Messages

  • Thank you for the unyielding patience, the indelible memories, and most of all, the unconditional love. Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom anyone could ask for.

  • Happy Mother’s Day to my personal superhero!

  • I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of you. Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today.

  • You’ve been my teacher, my counselor, my guardian, and my confidante. My gratitude to you can’t be expressed in a single day, but I’m still planning to shower you with love this Mother’s Day!

  • OK, I’ll admit it: You were right. (Yes, about everything!) Happy Mother’s Day!

  • One thing I know for sure: There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Your love is one in a million, and I’m blessed to have been able to receive it all my life.

  • They say it’s only a matter of time before you turn into your mother. Well, I say it would be an honor! Love you, Mom!

  • There aren’t enough hugs and kisses in the world to show you how much you mean to me.

  • It feels amazing to be able to say that not only are you my mother, you’re one of my best friends, too. Beyond grateful for you this Mother’s Day.

Messages for a Stepmom

  • Our family is one of a kind, and you’re a big part of the reason why. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • I never knew you’d become a part of my family, but now I can’t imagine it without you! Thinking of you this Mother’s Day.

  • I may not have expected you to be a part of my life, but I’m so very grateful that you are. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Thank you for showing me the kind of love that’s deeper than DNA. I love you!

  • One of the greatest steps I ever took in life was getting to know what an incredible person you are. So happy to call you a mother!

  • Something greater than us brought us together—and I couldn’t be more thrilled. It means so much to me to have you in my life. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • You stepped in as a mom, and I didn’t realize how much I would need you over the years. Thank you for being there, even when you didn’t have to be.

  • My dad/mom did a great thing when he/she brought you into our lives. Thank you for showing me a love that goes beyond traditions. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • You and my mom have been two of the most incredible sources of support in my life. I’m eternally thankful to have been blessed with both of you! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Happy Mother’s Day! I’m so happy that you’re a part of our beautiful blended family!

Messages for a Grandmother

  • Yours is a once-in-a-generation kind of love. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • It takes an incredible mom to raise an incredible mom. Thank you for being one, and for giving me one! Happy Mother’s Day.

  • Legacies like yours don’t just happen—they’re built, one incredible parent at a time. I’m so proud to be a part of yours!

  • Happy Mother’s Day, Grandma! Another day that has me feeling beyond lucky to be a part of your family tree.

  • I’m so proud to be a part of the family you’ve built. This Mother’s Day, it’s only right to honor the blueprint—that’s you! Happy Mother’s Day to the one who started it all.

  • It means so much to me to have been able to be a witness to your wisdom, strength, and love. I feel blessed to be your grandchild. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Happy Mother’s Day to a true original!

  • Have I ever told you that you’re who I want to be when I grow up? Happy Mother’s Day to my ultimate role model!

  • I learn something new from you every day, but the greatest thing you’ve taught me is how to love. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • I’m so honored to be a part of your story, and thankful to have received your love.

Messages for a New Mom or Mom-to-Be

  • Happy Mother’s Day! You’re an absolute natural!

  • Here’s to the first of many meaningful Mother’s Days!

  • Time to add “A+ Mom” to the long list of incredible things about you! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • What a lucky baby [baby’s name] is to have you as a mom! Have a beautiful first Mother’s Day!

  • Hoping this card is reaching you as you’re sitting back for some TLC and R&R—you’ve earned it! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Your love is the kind that doesn’t come around every day, and your little bundle of joy will be so lucky to have it! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • You’re one impressive mama! Enjoy your day!

  • I can’t wait to celebrate this day with you and your little one! Happy Mother’s Day!

Messages for a Mother-in-Law

  • I’m so honored to be a part of your beautiful family, and to have you as a part of mine. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Thank you for giving me the greatest gift possible: an incredible human to share my life with.

  • How lucky am I: not just one, but two incredible moms! Wishing you a happy Mother’s Day.

  • Happy Mother’s Day! Wishing you a day that’s full of brightness, just like you have been to me.

  • I’m so happy to have you in my life. I hope you have a fabulous Mother’s Day!

  • I hope I’ve been as loving a daughter to you as you’ve been to me as a mother. It feels amazing to have a whole new family to love in addition to my own. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • The only family I love as much as my own is yours—and that’s all because of how you’ve shaped it! I’m so happy that the universe brought us together. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • We might be related through marriage, but we’re bonded by love. Happy Mother’s Day!

Messages for a Spouse

  • I couldn’t have picked a better teammate. Happy Mother’s Day to my other half.

  • How lucky are we to have you? I don’t tell you enough, but I appreciate everything about you. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • I knew you’d be an incredible mom, but there are few things more beautiful than seeing it in person. Love you!

  • Thank you for being such an incredible parent to our children. I admire not only the mother you are but the person you are.

  • Happy Mother’s Day to my co-pilot and better half! I don’t know where I’d be without you, and I’m so grateful to have you beside me.

  • It’s incredible how much my love for you grows deeper than I ever thought possible as we share experience together year after year. On Mother’s Day, I’m reminded of the role that means the most to you, and how in awe I am to watch you excel in it. Love you so much.

  • Have I mentioned how much I love building a life with you? Happy Mother’s Day to the best partner anyone could ask for.

  • The best decision I ever made was choosing to share my life with you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Messages for a Daughter

  • Seeing what an incredible mother you are is just one of the things that makes me so proud to be your mom. Raising you was the adventure of a lifetime—now it’s your turn! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Thank you for the ultimate Mother’s Day gift: making me a grandma!

  • This Mother’s Day, I’m thinking about how much you mean to me. I’m so incredibly proud of the person you’ve become.

  • Now matter how old you are, don’t forget—I’ll always be your mom. Thinking of you this Mother’s Day!

Messages for a Mother Figure

  • Today is the day to honor the women who made me who I am—and unequivocally, that includes you! Thank you for showing me unconditional love over the years.

  • Forget genetics: You’re as important to me as any birth mother, so today I’m honoring you! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • We may not be related, but you’ve shown me all the guidance, patience, and love that the world’s best mom would.

  • I may not be officially yours, but the love you’ve shown me doesn’t know the difference. Thank you for being such a supportive presence in my life.

  • You’ve always made me feel like a part of your family, and today, I’m more grateful than ever. Happy Mother’s Day!

Messages for Any Incredible Mom You Know

  • On a day that’s dedicated to fabulous mothers, the first person I thought of was you! Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Wishing you a happy Mother’s Day—and while we’re at it, let’s get our next moms’ night out on the books!

  • Interrupting your breakfast in bed to wish you a warm and joyful Mother’s Day!

  • You’re the most giving person I know. Hope you’re taking some time for you today!

  • From one mom to another, Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy every bit of it!

  • Happy Mother’s Day to, hands-down, the most incredible mother I know.

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