Man, I Honestly Feel Sorry For These People Who Had A Really, Really, Really, Really Bad Month

If you had a moment last month where you felt down and out and like the whole world conspired against you, just remember...

1.The person who learned one of life's most important lessons:

spilled chili in a car

2.The person whose grilled cheese is literally about to explode:

Cheese on a slice of toast all puffed up

3.The person whose sheets just got a sick new design:

person who stained their sheets with a new tattoo

4.The person who will now be pioneering the "5,000-second rule":

The contents of a table on its side on the floor

5.The person whose cologne bottle exploded in a way heretofore unseen by human eyes:

Pieces of glass all over a bathroom counter and the tiled floor

6.The person who Hulked their dang door straight off:

The frame of a car door disconnected from the inner part

7.The person whose makeup bag absolutely exploded:

Dropped makeup bag with all the liquid makeup spilled inside

8.The person who paid handsomely for the world's tiniest burrito:

tiny burrito

9.The person who gets the honor of playing a little "tickle, tickle" later in the flight:

A bare foot jutting from the side of an airplane seat

10.The person who will forever regret accelerating in that specific moment:

man who drove into freshly poured concrete

11.The person whose chocolate chip cookies might be a tad overdone:

burnt cookies

12.The person who had quite literally the unthinkable happen to them and their poor toothbrush:

gecko poop on a toothbrush

13.The person who got themselves a nice sear:

A hand with marks from a stove

14.The person about to have a very white kitchen:

flour upside down

15.The person whose landlord was kind enough to practice their amateur taxidermy on a kitchen counter:

mosquito sealed in epoxy

16.The person whose oven spontaneously combusted at the worst possible moment:

Shattered oven door with caption: Why did this happen on Thanksgiving? Why?!

17.The person who, like King Arthur himself, must now pull the sacred tuna from the sink:

The top of a tuna can perfectly stuck in a sink drain

18.The person who was lucky enough to get a little extra protein in their bag of peas:

An insect amid frozen peas

19.The person who miiight have wanted to measure those stairs one last time before putting them in:

Person standing on a step with their head extending above the ceiling

20.The person whose Good Samaritan power lines saved the day:

A fallen tree held up only by two power lines

21.The person who found a little furry friend in their grapes:

A spider in grapes

22.The person whose dog absolutely decimated their passport right before a trip:

broken passport

23.The inventor of a brand new bird poop latte:

a coffee cup a bird shit into

24.The person rockin' the sick new Rachael Ray tat:

Caption: I accidentally branded Rachael Ray's name on myself with one of her roasting trays

25.The person who got the Tiny Tim special at the restaurant:

A "grilled cheese" with just a thin slice of overcooked American cheese with the caption "I paid $12 for this"

26.The person who, much like J. Paul Getty, will never, ever leave oil alone again:

oil explosion in a kitchen

27.The person whose chocolate egg became a pile of chocolate goop:

A melted chocolate egg in a box left in the sun

28.The person who got a liiiiittle took excited when opening their gift envelope:

Torn money inside an envelope opened too quickly

29.The person whose book made SURE there wouldn't be any spoilers for them:

An open book with pages that jump from 702 to 767

30.The person who is eatin' good tonight:

A piece of hair coming out of a fried egg roll

31.The person who apparently had a small-scale oil spill happen in their kitchen, the likes of which J. Paul Getty would certainly be interested in:

Black paint all over the wood kitchen floor

32.The person who's eatin' good on their cross-continental flight:

A large open roll with one thin slice of bacon and some butter

33.The person who is currently in the splash zone for 1.5 pounds of pure, unadulterated BBQ goodness:

A Styrofoam container with a large piece of meat and gravy/blood extending over the sides and onto the plane's seat tray

34.The person whose "DO NOT BEND" envelope got bent...oh, it got bent:

A folded large envelope with "Do not bend" circled on it

35.The person whose luggage ended up arriving like it had SEEN some things:

Very torn, beat-up-looking luggage

36.The person who tried to be the "full-size candy bar house" and ended up with nothing but disappointment:

A pile of candy, and boxes of it in the background, with the caption "We didn't get a single trick-or-treater"

37.The person who accidentally cooked their cheesecake on the surface of the sun:

Burnt, blackened cake stuck to a pan

38.The person whose hard-earned money went to some crisp, cool air:

An opened envelope with just thick plastic cushioning and nothing inside

39.The person whose steak was cooked to unfathomable levels of doneness:

A burnt piece of thin meat alongside cheese on toast and bacon bits

40.The person who broke their car in ways previously thought impossible:

Front tire on a car but at a diagonal

41.The person whose cookies are lookin' absolutely, positively scrumptious:

A pancakey-looking blob on a cookie tray

42.The person whose neighbor pulled this wildly perplexing yet frustrating move:

Person shoveling snow through a fence

43.This person who is about to have a very cronchy lunch:

person who brought kitty litter to work instead of their lunch

44.The person with a computer that is now part soup:

soup spilled on a computer

45.The person who got off the bus and stepped straight into Hades itself:

hole next to where the bus stopped

46.The person whose dang teeth were fallin' out in the early hours of Thanksgiving dinner:

A tooth with crown in the palm of a hand with the caption "My crown fell out after my first bite"

47.The person whose cats seriously have it out for delicious pie:

Cat paw prints in the pie, with the caption "My cats decided no one would be eating pumpkin pie"

48.The person whose thumb tattoo seems to be drawn on with street chalk:

A thumb with just the white outline of a nail drawn on it

49.The person whose dream of becoming an MLB middle reliever died that day:

person who missed the collandar with spaghetti

50.The person who learned the hard way that you should never wash a pillow in the washing machine like this:

Deconstructed pillow in a million pieces in the washing machine

51.The other person who learned one of life's most important lessons the hard way:

A big lizard eating someone's picnic food

52.Ol' ripped pants:

rip in pants

53.The person whose turkey miiiiiiight just be a little overcooked:

Blackened turkey on the grass with caption: My father in law thought the temperature gauge was a timer

54.The person who surely has the goopiest kayak around:

kayak melted in the sun

55.The person who will forever be sitting in a lake of Diet Dr. Pepper:

soda spilled in a car

56.The person who added a brand-new ingredient to their makeup:

Makeup in a litter box

57.The person who is about to play the worst game of bobbing for apples that has ever been played:

A pair of eyeglasses in the toilet

58.The person who experienced one of the worst laundry disasters one can experience:

Person who spilled liquid detergent from a large container all over the floor in front of the washing machine, with the caption "I've made a huge mistake"

59.The person who loves their child very much, I'm sure:

A plate of cupcakes sans frosting, with the caption "My wife made cupcakes, and my 8-year-old ate all the frosting"

60.And the person faced with Schrödinger's Shrek plate:

A Shrek plate, perfectly affixed into the bottom of a pan, that can't be removed without breaking it