22 People Who Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Worse Week Than You

If you just had yourself an absolutely terrible week where nothing seemed to go your way, just remember...

1.The person who is going to see white paint in their nightmares for the rest of their life:

white paint buckets spilled all over the store aisle

2.The person who's driving a brand new Beans-san Altima:

pot full of chili spilled inside a car

3.The person who apparently cooked their dang sweet potato in the fires of Mount Doom:

sweet potato burning red hot like a coal

4.The person whose package looks like its about to be the second person killed in a horror movie:

  u/justschmidty / Via reddit.com

5.The person whose gums I am currently praying for:

icy hot next to a tube of toothpaste

6.The person who better have a big ol' hankerin' for salt:

  u/Little-Wedding5269 / Via reddit.com

7.The person whose lamp is giving them angina:

shadow on the lamp looks like a large spider

8.The person who will not be getting their deposit back under any circumstances:

broken glass on the stove

9.The person who is going to be very upset when they land:

  u/4lphaZed / Via reddit.com

10.The person who found a pipeline to the old Eagle Butte Mine at the bottom of their coffee:

  u/foodishlove / Via reddit.com

11.The person whose bananas went skydiving:

bananas hanging from a fruit stand that have peeled by themselves

12.The person who lost the cookie lottery:

  u/Tamago-kun / Via reddit.com

13.The person whose laptop looks like it got spiked by Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor! Seriously, folks!

I'm serious!

14.The Green Man:

  u/BugsRFeatures2 / Via reddit.com

15.The person who screwed up dessert in a profoundly chaotic way:

  u/tree_basher / Via reddit.com

16.The person who made their pizza well-done:

completely burnt pizza

17.The person who will never, ever be able to look at balloons in the same way:

ring notifications of motion detected at the front door

18.The person whose eggs went absolutely nuclear:

eggs exploded in a microwave

19.The person who found the world's strongest carrot, the likes of which no man shall ever wield:

knife broken at the blade by cutting into a carrot

20.The person who will never get that hour of their life back:

  u/Brave1i1toaster / Via reddit.com

21.The person whose stairs look like a dang Jackson Pollack painting:

  u/Marleyyy_S / Via reddit.com

22.And the person whose apple is quite literally rotten to the core: