1 in 8 Men Have Brought a Condom to a Funeral, Data Reveals

Leading condom brand Trojan reveals sex and condom trends.

According to its study which aims "to dig deep into the mindsets and behaviors of adults 18-35 when it comes to intimate connections," Gen Z and Millenials have an interesting approach to sex. When asked about who should have a condom, 77% of respondents believed it was an "equal responsibility," the brand shared.

However, it appears sex and condom culture is more layered than most assumed. Apparently, "close to 1 in 8 men 35 and under admit to bringing protection to a funeral...just in case," the study results revealed. On a more positive note, however, 65% of adults are bringing condoms to a first date -- just in case, too.

Overall, Trojan's study points to an evolution of condom culture. One that prioritizes safety, regardless of gender roles and respectability politics.