The Struggles of Modern Parenting

From Cosmopolitan

"Being a modern parent is terrible," author Bunmi Laditan began her Sept. 25 Facebook post. "I'd give my left kneecap to have parented in the 70s or 80s when all you had to do to be considered a good mom is to remember to wind down the windows when you smoke in the car."

The Toddlers Are A**holes: It's Not Your Fault author writes frequently about how hard it is to be a parent, but this particular post has blown up - it has more than 100,000 reactions, close to 67,000 shares, and over 12,000 comments, mostly from parents who are like, "lol same."

Laditan explains she'd been shopping for vitamins for 45 minutes that morning and that she was "about to spend an electricity bill on vitamins because in 2016, you don't really love your kids if you're not a paranoid mess about their physical well being and willing to spend a small fortune on dye-free toothpaste made in the woods that tastes like eldeberry [sic] and privilege." Nothing about parenting in 2016 is simple, she continued, and everyone should be able to acknowledge what a pain that is.

Read her post in full below.

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