Hello, Can Anyone Help Us Decipher the Current Status of Iggy Azalea and Nick Young’s Relationship?


Nick Young and Iggy Azalea (Photo: Getty Images)

There is a sort of hazy question mark hanging over Iggy Azalea and Nick Young after Young admitted to cheating on his rapper fiancée while he was being unknowingly recorded by one of his Los Angeles Lakers teammates.

You see, Young’s teammate D’Angelo Russell got Young to admit to hooking up with a 19-year-old he met at a club — and he recorded the whole conversation. There does not appear to be a logical answer as to why and so we will neglect our journalistic duties to provide the who, what, when, where, why, and how in this instance.

As all videos do, this one leaked.

Related: Iggy Azalea Addresses Nick Young’s Purported Cheating Admission

Inquiring fans immediately wanted to know if this meant Azalea would be calling off the couple’s upcoming wedding, which had already been delayed due to her touring schedule.

What does this mean? She’s “chillin for now.” Does anyone know what that means?

After the first video came out, another woman claimed to have video proof (so, a sex tape?) that Young has cheated on Azalea and threatened to release it. In a surprise twist, the Australian rapper acted grateful.

What is even going on? At which point did we enter the Twilight Zone? Does gravity even work anymore?

In another conversation with a fan, Azalea wrote, “nothing is black and white in life. Every situation is different depending on the circumstance.” OK, THAT IS LITERALLY THE VAGUEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER WRITTEN.

This situation is, as one could expect, highly stressful for all involved. So how’s Iggy doing?

She’s “great,” she’s sitting on her couch. What?