Couple Hires Reputable Wedding Photographer, the Pics They Get Back Will Make Your Jaw Drop

From Cosmopolitan

For all the time, effort, and money that goes into picking a wedding photographer (and planning a wedding, prepping for one of the biggest days of your life, etc., etc.), the least you'd expect in return are wonderful pictures of the day you can appreciate for years. Not so for Jaclyn Ying, who posted her now-viral wedding pictures online. Hers came out so bad she's asking the Internet to share in her misery.

She and her new husband signed a contract with a "pretty reputable bridal shop" and their photographer in Singapore, she wrote on Facebook alongside 25 of their least favorite pictures from that day. After seeing the photographer's portfolio and feeling good about it on the day of, they were shocked when the wedding pictures were objectively and hilariously bad.

"We're looking for some redress from the shop at the moment, but nothing is going to take away the fact that our wedding photos by this dude are pretty much ruined," Ying explained. Even so, she did not name the photographer or the bridal shop in her post. The couple is not looking to "flame and shame. We just wanted to share some of these hilariously bad photos with everyone, so sorry ar [sic] if your unglam face is in this."

Originally, Mothership reported the photographer wrote an angry rant about the couple on his own Facebook, hitting back at them for picking the worst of 900 photos and trying to "spoil our reputation." Chung Siew Goh removed said rant and posted again, identifying himself as the photographer and apologizing to the couple. He's also shared Ying's album on his personal Facebook page.

You can find the album in its entirety here but OMG, lemme cherry-pick some of the worst worst ones for you:

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