Coca Cola's Newest Soda Will Help You Poop

Photo credit: Courtesy Coca-Cola
Photo credit: Courtesy Coca-Cola

From Cosmopolitan

If you're sick of defending your unhealthy diet soda obsession, Coca-Cola has your back with their latest creation: Coca-Cola Poop Plus, a sugar- and calorie-free soda with 5 added grams of dietary fiber. The brand's "healthiest soda yet" hit the Japanese market back in February as part of a company's latest mission to add more "functional beverages" to their lineup. (But no, they don't mean helping with bodily functions.)

Coca-Cola CEO James Quincy told Business Insiderit's actually a "fast-growing segment where ingredients are added to beverages to address specific dietary needs." Because who needs fruits and vegetables, am I right?

Photo credit: GIPHY
Photo credit: GIPHY

Even better, the official product press-release says Coca-Cola Plus has superpowers beyond making you poop. Apparently "drinking one Coca-Cola Plus per day with food will help suppress fat absorption and help moderate the levels of triglycerides in the blood after eating." Sure...

And if the idea of a magical fat-preventing, fiber-providing drink thrills you, but you hate the flavor of Coke, even better news: Coca-Cola also plans to roll out Canada Dry Plus. After all, nothing screams sick day like ginger-ale, saltines, and FIBER. But don't ditch the side salad just yet - there's been no talk about the Plus variations hitting U.S. markets anytime soon.

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