This Zumba Instructor With Down Syndrome Shattered Stereotypes to Achieve Her Dream

From Woman's Day

After gaining widespread recognition for teaching a class at the National Down Syndrome Congress in Alaska, one Zumba instructor has become a sensation.

Yulissa Arescurenaga, 24, of San Francisco is the first person with Down syndrome to become a certified Zumba instructor in the U.S., according to Love What Matters. She practiced and memorized routines for up to six hours every day for years in order to achieve her dream of becoming an instructor.

Yulissa attended her first Zumba class in 2008 and loved it so much that she made it her goal to become an instructor. She earned her certification in 2012, according to Now, she leads multiple classes every week.

Last year, Yulissa led a session with the founder of Zumba, Beta Perez, at the Zumba Instructor Convention in Orlando, FL, according to the Alaska Dispatch. "You should have seen her on stage last year at convention," one commenter wrote on Facebook. "She leads really well, super confident and very sweet."

The praise for Yulissa doesn't stop there. "This is my kids' Zumba instructor at their school," another commenter wrote. "They love Fridays when their class gets to go."

"I got an amazing workout," another student told the Alaska Dispatch after attending one of her sessions. "She was killing it. She didn't miss a beat."

If the Latin beats and fun dance moves aren't enough to get you dancing, then Yulissa's energy is sure to get you motivated. "She loves to put a smile on people's faces," her mother told Yulissa's mom hopes that her daughter's journey and passion will show others that people with Down syndrome can accomplish anything. Keep on dancing, Yulissa!

(h/t Love What Matters)

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