How Young Is Too Young for Botox?

According to a recent study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than half a million women between the ages of 19 and 34 have gotten neuromodulators injected (as in Botox, Dysport, Xeomin). So is it surprising that stat includes a chunk of women who are opting for anti-aging treatments before they can even legally drink in the U.S.?

New York plastic surgeon Normal Rowe, MD, says not really, as he has personally witnessed the rise of both men and women between 21 and 29 coming into his office requesting Botox—but, in his opinion, “21 and younger is too young to get it.”

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“The most requested areas that I’ve seen from millennials would be the brow and the area between their eyes,” he says. “Botox in these spots is done in order to prevent wrinkles.”

While he’s never turned down anyone because of their age (“I've never really had a patient younger than 21 ask for Botox,” he says), he does stress that there are a few things anyone interested in the treatment needs to be aware of: “They need to book an appointment and they need to realize that an ounce of prevention is worth a pint of cure. It's easier to prevent wrinkles then to try and treat them after the fact.”

The bottom line: “Prevention, prevention, and oh yeah, prevention,” Dr. Rowe says.