What Your Nails Really Say About You


Photo Credit: iStock

By Kelsey Marshall.

Hey girl, did you know your fingernails are one of the first impressions you give off? They may seem tiny or completely off your radar at times but they’re talking for you and boy are they saying a mouthful.

So what exactly are they saying? Find out below!

1. Short and sweet: Look at you, Miss Minimalist! You definitely seem no-nonsense and low maintenance. But don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re not a good time. After all, what’s the use of long nails if you’re just going to break one of them dancing your heart out at this weekends’ hottest party? You keep doing you.

2. Long and pointy: You definitely have a look and you know what you’re about. People know not to mess with you. You keep your nails long to make a statement, and to be honest, we’re all jealous. It takes a lot of guts to keep your nails long and in control, so flash them every once in a while!

3. Unpolished: Nails aren’t really your go-to outfit-finisher. However, you have your own ways of standing out from the crowd. Don’t be afraid to put some color on your fingertips once in a while, though. We know you love your routine but every so often, shake things up!

4. Tidy and bright: If you’re trying to stand out from the crowd, congratulations! You are totally doing that and you’re going hard. People notice that you take care of yourself and you like to pamper. If you change your bright colors a lot, you probably have a reputation around the office or among your friends as the girl who can’t make up your mind. The bright side: people always turn to you for the latest trends.

5. Dark and stormy: Your dark nails are always drawing the best kind of attention. People think you’re complex and deeply interesting, so don’t be surprised when people strike up conversations with you while you’re waiting for a friend at the bar. Darker colors on your fingers always make you seem just a little bit sexy even under all those winter layers.

6. An unruly, bitten hot mess: Do you need a nail file over there? Believe it or not, people can notice the state of your nails and it might be affecting the way you come across. Start carrying some cuticle cream or nail clippers in your purse to take care of this. We know you’re busy (who isn’t?) but your hands are one of the first impressions you make on people. And right now, that impression is: yikes.

7. Nude neutrals: Everyone on the street thinks you are super-busy and you have somewhere you need to be right now! You come off as professional and clean but maybe a bit too ice cold. Nudes can make your fingers look longer, but they don’t do much for you in the style or statement department. This might be your signature look but remember: nail polish is supposed to be fun! Don’t take it so seriously all the time.

8. French mani: You are so classic and timeless, you’re practically Audrey Hepburn! This is a look that doesn’t get old and people definitely associate you with someone who likes their things a particular way. Take that with a grain of salt because sometimes this look can get a little stuffy. Next time you’re at the salon, maybe opt for nail art that’s a little off-the-beaten-path. It might get you the attention you’ve really been wanting.

 Want to win some cash for a little pampering time? Click here to take this Essie + YourTango survey and be entered to win! Five lucky winners will get an American Express gift card for $50, enough for a mani for two!

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