Why I’m Obsessed With Fiber


Photo: Henry Leutwyler

I’ve spent years trying to figure out what works for both health and weight, and for me, the key is fiber. Some people get full on seven almonds.  Some people are satisfied eating a salad for lunch. That’s not me.  I need to eat fiber, ideally 7 to 14 grams, with every meal. Fiber keeps me full, preventing me from raiding your snack drawer and eating stuff I don’t need. Ultimately we all make much better food choices when we’re not feeling ravenous.

Here my fiber standbys:

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw fiber or chia mixed into my morning smoothie. You don’t even taste it so it’s a sneaky way to add it in.

  • A cup of raspberries as a snack or mixed with yogurt offers 8 grams of fiber

  • Quest Bars are gluten free, protein bars with 17 grams of fiber. Just FYI, drink a huge glass of water whenever you eat one.

  • GG Crackers have 5 grams of fiber each. I eat them before a cocktail party or when I’m traveling to keep me full.

  • Beans are a great source, particularly black beans and lentils, which offer 15 grams with just a cup.

  • Artichokes and green peas are the fiber stars of the veggie world, with 8 to 10 grams per serving.

XO Bobbi