Vegetable Desserts We Wish Had Never Been Invented

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for eating my way through a loaf of chocolate-chip zucchini bread, a slice of pumpkin pie , or a cream cheese frosted carrot cake , but the health-obsessives out there seem to have taken the vegetable-in-dessert recipes to a rather unappetizing extreme. Our...

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for eating my way through a loaf of chocolate-chip zucchini bread, a slice of pumpkin pie, or a cream cheese frosted carrot cake, but the health-obsessives out there seem to have taken the vegetable-in-dessert recipes to a rather unappetizing extreme. Our favorite vegetable sweet treats are being tainted by the creation of kale brownies and parsnip pie. We really wish we’d never heard of, laid eyes on, or tasted these vegetable-heavy desserts. We’d rather skip the sweet treats entirely than force ourselves to eat these “healthy” versions.

Cauliflower Rice Pudding

In the low-carb craze, where calorie-counting dieters are making pizza bases out of grated cauliflower, they are also swapping the rice in rice pudding for shredded cauliflower. It’s a nice thought, but it doesn’t taste anything nearly as delicious as the carbohydrate- and sugar-rich rice original.

Kale Brownies

I’m a big fan of a carefully created kale salad, but I want my brownies to be filled with chocolate, butter, and eggs – not leafy, vitamin- and mineral-filled, iron-rich green leaves.

Spinach Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

A green layer cake really doesn’t look appealing. Maybe if it was made with matcha we could stomach it, but when we learn that the green comes from fresh spinach leaves, we know for certain that this cake is not something we need in our lives.