I Tried the Automatic Hair Curler and It Was Legit Mind-Blowing

From Seventeen

Photo credit: Dana Tepper
Photo credit: Dana Tepper

Whenever I watch my besties style their never-ending hair, I reflect on how #blessed I am to have a low-maintenance crop.

It only takes me 15 minutes max to do even the most complicated hairstyles, but since I'm lazy AF, I usually don't want to take the time. To me "15 minutes" sounds a lot like "an eternity in hell," so when readers started telling me about Conair's automatic curler, which sucks in your hair like a vacuum and curls it on it's own, I knew it was my ~~destiny~~ to try it.

I called up Conair and in a few days I had my very own Conair Fashion Curl.

I soon found out that there was a major obstacle I had to overcome before I even plugged the thing in: fear.

I watched a few tutorials on YouTube and could feel my hair follicles tingling with terror, as strand after beauty blogger strand was sucked into a mechanized vortex of doom. Have you seen Saw IV? That scalping scene was the first thing that came to my mind.

In a heroic act of pure selflessness, I plugged in the tool, and willingly fed the first tendril into the mouth of the beast. As it sucked up my beloved ginger locks, my heart literally stopped, then after about four seconds it made three mechanical beeps, and out popped a perfect ringlet curl. Ahhhhh! (That's me letting out a very large sigh of relief.) Once you open the clamp, the hair comes out easily with zero tangling or pulling.

Watch it in action here:

In total, I'd say it took me about 10 or 15 minutes to do my entire head, which is less time than it takes me to curl it with a wand, and about the same as curling with a flat iron.

Here's the final look:

The curls lasted through a very stressful trip to LaGuardia airport and a two hour flight with no product added, which is a major feat considering my hair drops a curl faster than Kylie Jenner sells out a Lip Kit. Ringlet curls are def not my thing, but if you're a #lazygirl who's into the polished vibe, definitely give this gadget a try.

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