Why 'It’s Not Unusual' Singer Tom Jones Is Getting His DNA Tested


Singer Tom Jones shares that he’s having a DNA test to find out more aobut his family history. (Photo: Getty)

After 36 Top 40 hits in the United Kingdom, and 19 in the United States, receiving knighthood form Queen Elizabeth, and having a guest appearance on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, their is one thing Tom Jones hasn’t figured out in his 75 years, and that’s if he’s black.

“A lot of people still think I’m black. When I first came to America, people who had heard me sing on the radio would be surprised that I was white when they saw me,” Jones said to The Times Magazine.

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Because of his deep baritone voice and curly dark hair, Jones was often curious and has even said, “Because of my hair, a lot of black people still tell me that I’m just passing as white.“

DNA testing today is more popular than ever because of evolving technology. The personal genome service “23andMe” uses DNA testing to decipher whether a user has genetic mutations that may be an indicator that they are a carrier of a disease.

Jones, who is originally from Pontypridd, South Wales continued his interview saying, "When I was born, my mother came out in big dark patches all over her body. They [the doctors and midwives] asked if she had any black blood and she said she didn’t know. I’m going to get my DNA tested. I want to find out.”

This story has been updated with further information from 23andMe.

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