This Beauty Blogger Contoured Her Entire Body

The contouring craze has undoubtedly been one of the most long lasting and overused beauty trends that makeup artists around the world swear by. In their defense, it really is a good tip — although some people have pushed the limits of this practice way too far.

Australian beauty vlogger Chloe Morello is clearly in agreement that contouring has officially gotten out of hand (people have even contoured their toes — seriously). To prove it, she decided to contour her entire body in a parody replicating all those silly contouring tutorials, saying “it’s a necessity to contour your entire body, every day.”

Beauty bloggers Sharon Farrell and Karima McKimmie helped Morello with the video, beginning by showing viewers a look at Chloe in a bikini without any body makeup and stating that they’ll need “$5,000 per application” in order to replicate the look. Then, she proceeded through the five-minute video (which actually took a whopping two hours to truly complete) by having her friends paint her whole body with various bronzers and body makeup.

Not only did Chloe have her abs contoured to look more muscular, she had her butt, calves, upper back, biceps, and breasts contoured as well. The video is jam-packed with humor and definitely worth a watch, considering how ridiculous the whole thing seems to be. Check it out for yourself above.

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