Lisa Eldridge

  • NewsHello Giggles

    We found a super comprehensive makeup tutorial for glasses-wearers, and, FINALLY!

    Finding a good makeup tutorial can be tricky, especially for those of us who wear glasses.

  • StyleDana Oliver

    Why Lisa Eldridge Hires Older Models for YouTube Makeup Tutorials

    "I think that makeup is for everyone and it shouldn't be ageist," says Lisa Eldridge.

  • NewsMolly Shea

    Behold, the Adele Eyeliner Tutorial

    Makeup artist and YouTube legend Lisa Eldridge’s latest video was one of the better surprises we’ve found on the Internet: Not only does the video unexpectedly star fellow makeup artist Michael Ashton, but Ashton hands us the keys to the killer cat eye he gives his mega-star client, Adele. 

  • NewsVIOLET GREY on Yahoo

    Lisa Eldridge’s Life in Makeup

    Meet makeup maven, Lancôme creative director, and YouTube star Lisa Eldridge as she shares all she has learned from twenty years on the job.

  • NewsYahoo Beauty Staff

    Become an Icon for Halloween With Lisa Eldridge’s Makeup Tutorials

    Lisa Eldridge’s work can be found on red carpets, runways, and in magazines. Dust the cobwebs off of the electric blue eye shadow you immediately regretted buying — beauty guru Lisa Eldridge will teach you to use it and, beyond that, stun in it. The makeup artist turned creative director turned author first gained recognition for a shoot with Cindy Crawford for Elle magazine and today her work graces the faces of nearly countless major models and actresses in magazines and on red carpets and r

  • NewsAlexandra Perron

    The Best and Worst Makeup Moments in History According to Lisa Eldridge

    In Lisa Eldridge’s newest beauty video, the makeup artist (who’s clients include Kate Moss, Cara Delevinge, and Kate Winslet) highlights the best and worst makeup moments in history. The video came up after Eldridge was doing research for her recently released beauty tome, Face Paint. Which were the best and worst moments in history for makeup lovers?’” she says in the video. Eldridge showcases 13 different looks in the six minute video, covering everything from the over the top styles of six