Sharing a Bed With Your Kid Is Not So Great for Their Mental Health

From Redbook

Sleeping in the same bed as your baby is pretty common, but a recent study might cause some moms to question their choices (and cause others to continue just doing their thing). It turns out it could potentially make a child more prone to anxiety and depression.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, looked at 3,583 children in Brazil to see how sharing a bed with their mothers affected them down the line. The researchers looked at four groups of kids: some of whom didn't share a bed with their mother (44.4 percent of the participants), some who only did so when they were extremely young (36.2 percent), some who did so later (12 percent), and others who were "persistent bed-sharers" (only 7.4 percent of those studied. The researchers evaluated the children at various intervals between when they were three months old and until they were six years old, and when they were six. The children then took the Developmental and Well-Being Assessment, and child psychiatrists analyzed the results to see if the children had internalized disorders (like anxiety or depression) or externalized issues (like oppositional defiant disorder, any kind of ADHD, or a conduct disorder).

As a whole, those who shared a bed persistently had a higher rate of mental health issues than those who did not. The conclusion puts it relatively succinctly, saying that "early and persistent bed-sharing is associated with an increased occurrence of internalizing problems at the age of 6 years."

Of course, the study does have its drawbacks. The sample size is pretty small when compared to, you know, all the babies out there, and the study did note some of its limitations - like how it doesn't address why the mom had the baby in her bed in the first place. "TSome mothers may freely choose to bed-share, while others may do so out of necessity because of household crowding," the researchers wrote. And should a family be living in an impoverished situation, that could also have led to anxiety and depression - bed-sharing wouldn't necessarily be the cause of those children's emotional and mental health issues.

Tthe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents share a room with their babies until they're at least six months old - although ideally until they're a year old - as a means to protect them from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The recommendation specifically advises against sleeping in the same bed as an infant. "Parents should never place the baby on a sofa, couch, or cushioned chair, either alone or sleeping with another person. We know that these surfaces are extremely hazardous," said Rachel Moon, the lead author of a recent study on SIDS, in a statement. (The report doesn't specify safety precautions for older children.)

But you can almost hear the counter-argument: What loving parent - should she hear her baby crying - wouldn't want to bring her baby into her bed with her in that scenario?

(h/t The Cut)

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