Selena Gomez explained how amazing “sweat beds” are and now we kind of wanna try

Selena Gomez explained how amazing “sweat beds” are and now we kind of wanna try
Selena Gomez explained how amazing “sweat beds” are and now we kind of wanna try

You’d be hard-pressed to find a girl with glowier skin than Selena Gomez. True, being a celebrity gives her access to ALL the cool beauty people and latest and greatest skin products. Girl does the edge on us there. That said, she recently spilled one of her skincare secrets: sweat beds.

We admit, it sounds a little weird. But Gomez hardcore talks up the treatment in a recent interview with Elle. In fact, she makes this bizarre-sounding treatment sound SO great now we all kinda want to try it out.

“I have a sweat bed, which looks like a burrito that I wrap myself up in, and I sweat for about 45 minutes. Just little things to kind of keep me healthy and keep me focused.”

As Gomez explains, there’s a ton of health benefits.

“…it releases all the toxins of your body, and you kind of feel…kind of the equivalent of a sauna, but it gets your heart rate up, and it gets everything flowing in your body. It’s changed my skin, it’s kind of changed my body as well, so it feels really good.”

Admittedly, this sounds a smidge ick. But Gomez swears sweat beds are worth it.

I know it sounds gross, but you just sit in your sweat for an hour and don’t immediately shower because there’s natural collagen in your toxins that it actually makes your skin feel softer before you wash it all off. It feels incredible. I definitely suggest it.

My first @vogueaustralia cover came out -thank you so much! So grateful

A photo posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Aug 6, 2016 at 9:53pm PDT

All right, Selena, color us convinced. After all, you do have the skin of a baby angel. So if sweat beds are what it takes to get glowy AF, then sign us up.

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