Science says that brushing your teeth after drinking wine could be dangerous

Science says that brushing your teeth after drinking wine could be dangerous

Science says that brushing your teeth after drinking wine could be dangerous
Science says that brushing your teeth after drinking wine could be dangerous

Between a morning cup of joe (or two or three) and wine at happy hour, our poor teeth are constantly taking a beating that many of us try to rectify with lots of brushing.

But while it may seem like common sense to run for a toothbrush after wine night with girls, research shows this is actually more damaging for your teeth. Crazy, right? Here’s why.

Wine has high acidity levels that linger on the teeth after drinking, particularly white wine, which erodes enamel more than red, according to a Nutrition Research report. Waiting at least an hour gives the teeth a moment to breath after the enamel attack, and prevents additional damage that could occur during the brushing process.

“Leaving time before brushing teeth gives the enamel a chance to recover from the acid attack and makes it less susceptible to being brushed away,” Professor Damien Walmsley of the British Dental Association, said in the report.

The good news? BBC News reports that eating cheese could prevent the effects, due to its calcium content. Acting in tandem with saliva, it helps neutralize the effects. We’re going to repeat that because it’s truly awesome: adding cheese to your wine tasting could actually help prevent damage to your teeth. Cheese is health food. YOU GUYS.


The scientists also suggest opting for milder wines and sticking to reds, like Rioja or Pinot, according to the BBC.

In the report, the authors of the study on wine damage to teeth add that, “The tradition of enjoying different cheeses for dessert, or in combination with drinking wine, might have a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion since cheeses contain calcium in a high concentration.”

Science is asking us to eat cheese with wine, and honestly, who are we to argue? Now if they can figure out how to add chocolate in there, we are truly set for life.


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