Old Navy Featured an Interracial Family in an Ad and Racists Couldn't Handle It

From Cosmopolitan

On Friday, Old Navy posted an ad on its Twitter feed to promote a 30 percent-off sale. They included a photo of an impossibly beautiful and stylish family wearing its latest spring styles. If you're a normal person, maybe you perked up at the thought of a sale, thought the models were adorable, or just simply scrolled right by.

But that's not what everyone did. A horde of racist trolls descended on the tweet, calling the company out for promoting "miscegenation" and "white genocide" because it depicted an interracial family. It's hard to tell if people were being sincere or just trolling for an angry response. Here's hoping it was the latter, because these tweets are genuinely disturbing.

Luckily, other Twitter users showed that there is still some hope in the world. If you look at the Old Navy tweet now, it's flooded with positive comments and general eye-rolls at the backwards racists who took offense in the first place. People in interracial families showcased their own lovely photos to show that love knows no boundaries. So breathe easy, because humanity is going to be just fine.

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