Oil-Blotting Hacks to Control Shine Anywhere

By Taylor Bryant

We know this summer struggle all too well: You wash your face in the morning and step out onto the street with mostly matte, somewhat dewy skin — basking in your flawlessness. Fast-forward to midday (or post-morning commute, if you’re like me), and your T-zone has basically transformed itself into a slip ‘n slide — and not the fun kind.

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That’s when oil-blotting sheets come in handy. Though we swear by papers from Tatcha and Neutrogena, we know that not everyone enjoys — or can afford — dishing out cash money for 'em. Well, it turns out, there are lots of alternative blotting products that can be found around your home (or even in your local Starbucks).

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Learn about eight not-so-obvious oil super-soakers that will help make your mug matte again.

Starbucks Napkin
Believe it or not, the napkins from Starbucks work like a charm at getting rid of excess oil without disturbing your makeup. (They even have a 4.6 out of 5 rating on Makeup Alley.) Let’s be real: We know you’re in Starbucks daily anyway — might as well stash some in your purse for those extra-muggy, livin’ la vida broke days.

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Toilet Seat Covers
Yes, it seems weird — but we’re not asking you to rub your bum on it beforehand. Simply grab some unused ones on your next bathroom trip and blot away. If the idea of using something that’s been sitting in a toilet stall completely grosses you out, pick up a pack at your local Office Depot. Or take a cue from this girl and DIY your own custom sheets to control shine on-the-go.

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Tissue Paper
Got some old wrapping tissue left over from the holidays? Cut them up to use as alternative blotting papers. These are probably our favorite option because they come in all colors and prints, so you can soak up shine in style.

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Though Beautyblender’s new Bloterazzi product isn’t something you can find in your kitchen, it does come in a thin, mirrored compact and works beyond just soaking up oil. It also re-blends your makeup and can get into harder-to-reach places like the corners of your nose and eyes. The best part? It’s washable and reusable, so no more piles of oily papers. Each cushion (there are two in each pack) lasts for 60 days with proper cleaning — so you can essentially get four months of blotting with one compact.

If you don’t want to dish out extra money for the Bloterazzi, you can also use your regular Beautyblender to pat down oil. Just make sure you’re using it dry, not wet.

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Perm-End Wrappers
Have any leftover perm-end wrappers from the '70s? Well, probably not — but your mom might and your local Sally Beauty Supply definitely does. Pick some up and dab away.

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Coffee Filters
Coffee filters are made from almost the same materials as blotting papers — and are a bit thicker, which is ideal for really oily skin types. Your office kitchen probably has a ton of these lying around, so why not blot during your 2 p.m. refill?

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Parchment Paper
If you think about it, parchment paper — also known as greaseproof paper — is literally meant to repel oil, which would naturally make it a great contender for fighting off unwanted shine.

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Rolling Papers
If you roll your own [cough, cough] cigarettes, then you more than likely have some excess smoking-product papers lying around. If not, pick some up from your local bodega, drugstore, and/or your friend’s purse. They’re cheap, effective, and will keep your T-zone in check.

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