Meet the Muffin That Spent Two Years in Development

Working 16-hour days as a personal trainer and sports nutritionist left John Mace with the same problem his clients faced: what to eat when you’re on the run. “I often do 10 sessions in a row, so I needed a snack that was both portable and healthy.”

Mace, an avid cook, started experimenting with a muffin that swaps out flour, butter, and sugar for healthier ingredients like almonds, wheat-free oats, blueberries, pumpkin, bananas, and pineapple—nutrient dense foods with plenty of beauty benefits.

The vitamin A in eggs and pumpkin helps repair and maintain the skin, while banana, eggs and oats are full of vitamin B to strengthen skin, nail and hair cells. Almonds and egg yolks are a great source of vitamin E and no—all that goodness doesn’t mean they’re bad for you! “They taste good and get your day off to a solid start,” says Mace. “Your sugar isn’t spiking, you’re not hungry, and you have more energy.”

Sounds yummy.

Me Muffins are available through

Photo: Henry Leutwyler