#MakeItFair Parodies Male Discrimination in Hollywood

You can’t avoid cold hard facts, especially if they’re numbers sung to you like a lullaby. Parody videos are aplenty on the web, but one of the buzziest new clips is about the “discrimination” faced by men in Hollywood. Framed by a Kumbaya-esque musical number, the #MakeItFair Project by actress Patricia Noonan and writer/comedians Emily Tarver and Nadia Quinn uses statistics compiled by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media to highlight the serious problems facing men in media nowadays. Celebrities like Rita Wilson appear in the video for #solidarity. “Sadly, only 70% of speaking roles in films are given to men,” says one activist in the video. “Women get to be naked in movies twice as often as men do.”

Check out the video and let us know what you think—if you’re not into #HeForShe or #AskHerMore, then #MakeItFair just might be for you.


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