After Learning His Daughter Couldn't Fly, This Woman's Random Act of Kindness Saved the Day

Photo credit: Facebook
Photo credit: Facebook

From Woman's Day

While checking in for a flight with his two-year-old daughter, this father learned at the last-minute that she was too old to fly for free. With no backup plan, this could have quickly turned into a nightmarish situation for the two, but all of that was avoided thanks to this incredibly generous stranger.

After flight attendants told him his daughter couldn't board the plane, this dad panicked knowing he couldn't afford to buy the necessary $749 ticket for her. He was heartbroken and tried to make a few calls to sort it out, but it was a nearby stranger who saved the day, according to Love What Matters. An unnamed woman approached the counter to buy his daughter's ticket to ensure the family could travel together, and now the story is going viral on Facebook.

"He mentioned he couldn't afford to rebook this flight or get her the ticket with such short notice," a witness of the event wrote in this Love What Matters Facebook post. "He stepped aside and tried to make a few calls. Hugging his daughter and grabbing his head, you could tell he was heartbroken."

The father didn't realize that a woman next to him witnessed the entire encounter until she approached him and asked what was wrong. Moments later, they both walked up to the counter together. "I wanna buy her ticket," the woman said. The flight attendants reminded her how much it would cost, but this stranger was happy to do it.

"The agent kept talking about her goosebumps while the man hugged the woman and asked for her name to repay her," the witness wrote. "The woman just kept saying, 'Don't worry about it.' She knew she wanted to help that man and his daughter no matter what the cost."

The extraordinary story has racked up thousands of likes, shares, and comments on Facebook including messages from several people who revealed the woman's identity and shared their own remarkable encounters with her. "I know her family, kids, and grandkids get together frequently to discuss how they can use the abundance and blessing they get to serve and give back to others," one commenter wrote. "She is an inspiration every time I see her and is constantly giving freely. She is so full of love for everyone and does what is needed without being asked." What an inspiring woman!

(h/t Pop Sugar)


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