Kim Kardashian’s Makeup Artist Posts Double Breastfeeding Photo With Newborn Twins

Celebrity makeup artist Joyce Bonelli just gave birth to twins. (Photo: AKM-GSI)
Celebrity makeup artist Joyce Bonelli just gave birth to twins. (Photo: AKM-GSI)

Kardashian crew makeup artist and pal Joyce Bonelli gave birth to twin boys this week, posting a powerful pic to Instagram to mark the occasion: In it, the fresh-faced mom is in her hospital bed, breastfeeding her boys in tandem. “GODDESS VIBES LIKE NO OTHER,” it begins.

“Pulling that inner most deepest strength while you feel as though you have none left to give,” she continues. “Weak and tired, pain unknown, exhaustion unreal, and you still stand up…”

Bonelli, who also has a 4-year-old son, Zeplin, first announced the birth of her twins on Monday with an adorable snap of them being snuggled by their dad, Ben Taverniti…

…which was followed shortly thereafter by a photos of the babies being held by their proud-faced big brother.

But the most popular so far has been Bonelli’s perfect, pouty goddess pose, which already has 60.4K likes and more than 1,500 comments from her 1.7 million followers. Some were moms of twins giving her tips, and most were complimentary and happy for the nursing mama, calling her “beautiful,” “gorgeous,” “fierce and flawless,” “Lady Madonna,” a “queen,” and thanking her “for not apologizing for your strength and confidence.” One happily added, “And this is how you normalize breastfeeding!”

There were, natch, a couple of breastfeeding naysayers.

“Buy formula, this is 2017,” one couldn’t help but note. Another chimed in, “Happy for you but some things should be kept private.” Yet one more negative commenter took issue with the makeup artist’s expression.

“Please start the movement for beautiful and natural women posing and without the duck face…” said the post. “Be the mother that smiles.

Something tells us Bonelli’s got her own power-mom agenda here, and that smiling on command is not part of it. “I as a mother will do anything to provide for my babies,” her post notes. “No Matter My Fear. Never give up, Keep the strength. Dig even deeper if you must. BE A GODDESS.”

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