It’s Official: Introvert Hangovers Are a Thing

Do you need downtime after socializing? (Photo: Pexels)
Do you need downtime after socializing? (Photo: Pexels)

It’s hard to explain what being an introvert is like, especially if you’re talking to someone on the more extroverted side of the spectrum.

Of course you like parties, and of course you don’t hate people — you just need a break from them to recharge sometimes. And now a study is here to back that up, because an “introvert hangover” is actually a real thing.

Recently writer Shawna Courter published a post for Introvert, Dear, a community and blog for introverts.

She described an introvert hangover this way: “Introverts have a more limited ration of energy available for socializing, compared to our more extroverted counterparts. When we push past those reserves, we hit a tipping point where we go from being ‘fine’ to ‘definitely not okay.’ An ‘introvert’ hangover is, simply put, a withdrawal into oneself brought on by over stimulation.”

Image: Giphy
Image: Giphy

And then there’s the science to back this idea up. According to the U.K.’s Metro, one study showed that introverts already have a lot of neuronal activity in their reticular activating system (RAS) and are highly sensitive to external stimuli. This means they’re easily overstimulated by everything around them. Predictably, extroverts are the opposite.

So don’t feel bad if you have to hide from the world from time to time. The world will be here when you’re ready.

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