How to Tweeze Your Brows Without Totally Effing Them Up

Because thin brows are not in. (Photo: Getty Images)

When it comes to eyebrows, the trends change like the weather. The one thing that stays consistent: Your desire for a great shape. And let’s be real, we’ve all over-plucked at one time or another. That’s why we reached out to two pros to get tips are for anyone who wants to tweeze—but is afraid of going just a little too far.

1. Fill Your Brows Before You Pluck
“The best thing anyone can do is to fill in their brows before tweezing,” says Zoey Van Jones, eyebrow artist and founder of Zoey Van Jones Brow Studio in Pasadena, California. That’s because everything looks like a stray hair when it’s not clearly marked, she says.

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2. Don’t Go Crazy on the Arch
“Most people over-tweeze the arch and then leave the front of the bridge, creating a pod or tad pole shape,” says Van Jones. That doesn’t sound very flattering, does it? Try using a stencil, like Anastasia Beverly Hills Classic Stencils ($20,, to guide your hand while you remove hairs. If you’re tweezing sans stencil, fill in the underside of your arch to create a full brow shape beforehand, she says.

Watch this video for step-by-step tips on getting gorgeous brows:

3. Keep the Rest of Your Face in Mind
“We want to shape our brows and accentuate our features,” says Matt Shakik, eyebrow specialist at Spruce & Bond in New York City. “Use your arches to define your eyes and give them a lift. Make sure they don’t peak in the center, as doing this will narrow your face. Finally, brows should start at a thickness and end in a point, which beautifully lines the eye.”

4. Wait It Out
We’re all impatient, but when it comes to eyebrows, you just have to have a little discipline and wait until they fully grow in before shaping them. “When it comes to an end goal with your brows, give them time and let them grow in,” says Shakik. “It might be torture, but it will be well worth the wait. Do not jeopardize the structure or thickness by removing hairs that might, in time, give you a fuller and more complete brow.”

RELATED: 5 Easy Ways to Switch Up Your Brows for a Flattering New Look

5. Skip the Magnifying Mirror
This one surprised us, but it makes total sense. “You only get to see one brow at a time and not both together [when you use a magnifying mirror], and seeing them next to each other allows for a more even match,” says Shakik.

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