This Girl Burned Her Brows Off the Day Before Prom and Bounced Back Flawlessly

From Seventeen


Everyone wants to look their best for prom. But when one girl set out to achieve the perfect sun-kissed tan, she got a little more than she bargained for… like a set of missing eyebrows and sunburned, scarred skin.

Jawa El-Shanti, an 18-year-old high school senior at King’s Academy in Madaba, Jordan is a little self-conscious of her naturally sparse eyebrows, so she usually fills them in using what she calls her “holy grail product,” Benefit Brow Zings. Her school has a series of events and dinners for seniors and their families in the week leading up to graduation, and Jawa wanted a gorgeous tan to look her best. She and her mom headed to the Dead Sea for a relaxing day of sunbathing at the beach.

The mud at the bottom of the Dead Sea is world-famous for its high concentrations of salts and minerals. When people visit, it’s pretty common for them to slather the mud all over their body. Even though it stings a little bit (due to all the salt in the water!), it’s a natural exfoliant and leaves your skin looking soft and beautiful.

“Wanting to get the full experience, I applied the famous Dead Sea mud onto my body,” Jawa told “I then tied my hair up and applied the mud onto my face. A couple of minutes later, I realized an itching sensation on my forehead, but I ignored it thinking that this was the mud doing its ‘magic.’”


“I washed off the mud while swimming in the salty sea then looked up to see my moms horrified face looking back,” she said. “My eyebrows were gone! And the area around them was scarred with an eyebrow shaped mark! The eyebrow makeup had reacted with the mud and salty water. I came home to barely existing eyebrows and a burned body.”


Her prom was the very next day.

“My crisis was way out of my makeup expertise,” Jawa said.

She had already scheduled an appointment with a makeup artist, but alerted the makeup artist to her situation and explained that she might need extra time for the appointment to fill in her brows and cover up the sunburn and scars.

“The makeup artist used darker shades and more products to ensure my eyebrows looked natural and full for prom,” she said.


Needless to say, Jawa SLAYED.


And it looks like she’s on her way to making a full recovery.

“So far I think the redness has decreased,” she explained. “We’ll see about the eyebrows in a few weeks!”