French Railway Tells Women To Wear Makeup

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Is the French railway system fueled by le sexisme? That’s the question many people have been asking since a 36-page document from the state-owned railway, SNCF, leaked on Tuesday. In it, the SNCF showcased its guidelines on proper grooming for its employees. No big deal, right?

Related: Is your perfume stinking up the workplace? 

Wrong, say critics. The document advises female employees on everything from proper nail-polish colors (clear, pastel pink, or red) to makeup application. “Simple and elegant makeup is strongly recommended,” the document says. According to SNCF, that translates to foundation, a touch of blush, black mascara, and plain lipstick (again: transparent, pink, or red). For the “best appearance,” the document urges employees to wear waterproof mascara; to intensify one’s look, grooming one’s brows is advised.

Hands, too, deserve attention. “Your hands are often sought, so take care of them,” the document urges. “Don’t hesitate to moisturize them regularly.” As for perfume, make sure it’s soft and subtle. And so forth.

On Twitter, many French people are up in arms, calling the document sexist and even racist, since the recommended peach and rose blushes are unlikely to show up on dark-skinned train operators.

For its part, SNCF points out that the document also advises male employees. “Beards and mustaches are in style,” it says. “If you opt for this style, keep it clean or opt for a regular shave.” Men, too, are advised to hydrate hands and wear subdued scents.

But is this beaucoup fuss over very little? SNCF thinks so, pointing out that none of the guidelines—for men or women—are obligatory. “It’s only advice for best appearances, to make our service as professional as possible for clients,” SNCF stated to Le Figaro. “It’s nothing mandatory.”

Are the suggestions misguided, sexist, appropriate—or something else entirely? You tell us! Vote below and let us know what you think.