A Peek Inside Cindy Crawford's Fridge

By Faith Xue

You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t instantly associate Cindy Crawford with ‘90s glamour, all-American beauty, and the first wave of elite supermodels. Today, Crawford has transitioned into newer—albeit equally impactful—roles (activist, mother, beauty company founder, to name a few). Recently, she’s added healthy living spokesperson to that roster; namely as the partner and brand ambassador for Urban Remedy. The company, founded by an acupuncturist and certified Chinese nutritionist, offers organic, raw, ready-to-eat meals, snacks, and cold-pressed juices. “I believe that clean eating and choosing well-balanced food options is the best way to look and feel your best,” Crawford tells us. “Generally I try to eat 80 percent good, 80 percent of the time by incorporating fresh and organic ingredients into my diet—whether it’s a cold-pressed juice, fresh salad, or my favorite morning smoothie.”

We got the chance to get intimate with Crawford in the most direct way possible: by asking her to reveal the contents of her fridge. From her guiltiest pleasure to the strangest thing that’s currently occupying space in there, keep scrolling to take a peek inside Cindy Crawford’s fridge!

What’s the one thing you always have in your fridge? Come hell or high water, this item will be in there.

Crawford: Almond milk.

Related: 5 Weird Things Beauty Editors Always Keep In Their Fridge

What one thing we’d NEVER find in your fridge?

Crawford: Liver.

What’s your favorite last-minute dinner to whip up?

Crawford: Turkey meatballs on a bed of spinach.

If you had to describe your fridge in one word, what would it be?

Crawford: Family.

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What would you like a lifetime supply of in your fridge?

Crawford: Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio.

What’s the strangest thing in your fridge right now?

Crawford: Caviar left over from my birthday and homeopathic calendula gel for burns.

What’s the one item in your fridge you’re most guilty about?

Crawford: Chocolate.

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What’s your favorite on-the-go snack?

Crawford: Almonds.

What’s the one thing your kids always ask for in your fridge?

Crawford: Strawberries.

What are your favorite things to juice? Any killer combinations?

Crawford: My friend Neka Pasquale taught me how to make a “mint chocolate chip” breakfast smoothie with fresh mint and lots of spinach. I also sometimes make a pre-workout drink with an orange, Greek yogurt, and a jalapeno.

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What’s your favorite raw food snack?

Crawford: Urban Remedy Trail Mix.

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