Essential Tips for National Men's Grooming Day

Grooming is equally important for guys, too. (Photo: Jon Patterson)

National Men’s Grooming Day is today, and while it may be a made up day of celebration, it’s definitely worth talking about. Started by American Crew, the purpose is to raise awareness of the benefits of good grooming habits — something that many men think is a woman’s domain. But ask any woman if they pay attention to a man’s hair, skin, nails, or feet, and you will get a resounding “yes.” In fact, for many women I know, they notice a man’s fingernails as much as they notice whether he talks with his mouth full. Yet the idea of men grooming themselves beyond a shave and a haircut still has a stigma attached to it as not being what a “real” man does. But perceptions are starting to change. We have become a society more focused on eating well and staying fit, so it’s high time that healthy lifestyle started to focus some attention to the outside as well as the inside.

According to Euromonitor International, one third of men spend less than 30 minutes a day on grooming, and this includes basics like brushing teeth and bathing. Perhaps that’s also in part because there have been significantly less products for guys on the market until recently. The women’s beauty industry is estimated at $60 billion in revenue in 2015 compared to $6 billion for the men’s industry. That’s a huge opportunity for companies large and small to make some serious cash on men taking better care of themselves, from shaving accessories to fragrance to experiences like men’s spa days.

So in honor of National Men’s Grooming Day, I’d like to talk about my own essential grooming list — the things all men should do to elevate their look, enhance their personal brand, and most importantly, feel good about themselves.

Manicures and pedicures
They aren’t called MANicures for nothing. While you may be a bit embarrassed walking into the nail salon that first time, having all those women look up from their gossip magazines to see the likes of you, I guarantee, you’ll get over it. We as men are constantly using our hands — they are our most used tools, and yet we consistently neglect them. A trip to a nail salon is quick, inexpensive, and completely worth it. A little trim of the cuticles, a little shaping of the nail and you will immediately make an impression. How many times have you seen a guy in a meeting and noticed he’s a nail biter? It’s unappealing and often looks painful. (According to WebMD, men are more likely to bite their nails after age 10 than girls.) If you are a nail biter, getting a regular manicure can encourage you to curtail the habit.

And don’t forget your feet. Maybe your feet are always covered by shoes or socks, but just because they are hidden away doesn’t mean you can ignore them. Whether you are a sandal person or not, someone is eventually going to see your feet, and who wants to be embarrassed? And if you are sleeping next to someone,  rough, scratchy feet are definitely not a turn on. In between trips to the salon, I regularly moisturize my hands and feet to make sure no calluses form or hangnails develop. I get my hands and feet taken care of 1 or 2 times a month, but you could certainly go less frequently, as long as you supplement at home.

Hair removal
Relax — I’m not about to tell you that the next thing on the list of grooming techniques is a Brazilian bikini wax (though you can go down that road if you want). What I’m talking about are all those areas that you may not think of, but others surely notice. For some reason, when we get older, hair starts sprouting from weird spots. And I’m not talking when we are 60, I mean when we hit 30. Have you ever looked at your ears? Really looked at them? I bet there is something sprouting somewhere. Ditto for the nose. One of the best investments you can make is one of those facial hair trimmers. They’re painless and take mere minutes to eradicate embarrassing hairs.

Other spots to think about: Your neck (if you’ve got a lot, make sure when you are getting a haircut, your barber or stylist is shaving your neck), your back (unless your partner really loves it), and your underarms (it may sound weird, but I find that I sweat a lot less when I shave off my underarm hair, especially in the summer). Even your pubic hair could use a trim. I know, I know, it might feel weird at first and you definitely need to maintain it to avoid itching, but again, it can curtail sweating and anything not covered in hair looks a lot bigger. Enough said.

Skin care
The key to looking young is good skin from head to toe. Are you washing your face with the same body soap you use? Well, my friend, that is not going to cut it. Those soaps can be unduly harsh on the delicate skin of your face. There are plenty of companies that have cleansers focused on male skin, and it might be worth going to a place like Sephora or Kiehl’s to talk to an expert about what’s best for your type, whether it’s oily, dry, or combination. You can go super simple in your routine (one basic, gentle cleanser) or the whole nine yards (cleanser, toner, and a moisturizer). How deep you want to go is really up to you and how you want your skin to hold up over time. And don’t forget the SPF — it’s the most important thing you can do for your skin to protect against cancer, wrinkles, sunspots, and more. Don’t we all want to be the guy who no one believes is 50? Your body needs extra care, too. I use an old school washcloth in the shower to exfoliate my skin and I moisturize regularly — less frequently in the summer but daily in the winter.

We all know that guy who bathes in too much cologne — remember Paul Rudd’s character in Anchorman? His love of exotic fragrance, including the infamous Sex Panther, was the stuff of legends. I admit, I am kind of one of those guys. In my opinion, cologne is the finishing touch on all of the work you do to get ready when you go out, morning or night. The key though, is the fragrance itself. You have to do the legwork — scent works differently from person to person, depending on your chemical makeup. So you have to be patient and know that the cologne that smells great on your buddy (or your dad’s signature scent) is not going to smell the same on you. Take your time, sample, and walk around. Ask people you know and trust for their option.

I have a couple of different fragrances that I like to layer on top of each other depending on where I am going and what I am doing. If it’s daytime, my scent might be a little more subtle than when I’m going to a crowded party at night. I always put enough on so that it lasts for the day, hitting spots like ears, wrists, and neck, or anyplace that emits heat, which will activate the fragrance.  There is nothing better than having a women walk by me on the street and say “You smell amazing!”

In the end, we should treat National Men’s Grooming Day as we treat all holidays — as a reminder. In this case, the reminder is that grooming is important. It is not superficial or shallow to move beyond the basics of showering, haircuts, and regular visits to the dentist. Taking pride in your appearance can be a boost to your self-esteem. And if by doing so, you remain attractive to your spouse or partner, or attract a spouse or partner, then how can that be a bad thing? So go for it, men, and do what our wives, mothers, sisters, and friends have been doing forever: Take care of yourself.


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