Dakota Johnson at the Venice Film Festival Will Make You Want Bangs

I had bangs for a good chunk of my childhood. Straight, blunt bangs that went along with my little brunette bob. You know, little kid bangs. Then I grew up and into a pretty dramatic side swept fringe that impaired the vision in my left eye for a solid three years. Eventually, I went back to those straight across bangs — and I immediately regretted it. I vowed to never get them again, and I made friends promise to restrain me if I ever again uttered the words, “Should I get bangs?” I haven’t really had the urge for them in a few years and now that they’ve completely grown out, I’ve learned to love my forehead and live a bang-free life. That is, until actress Dakota Johnson stepped out on the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival.

All it took was one photo from makeup artist Pati Dubroff in my Instagram feed to have me back in the mood for bangs. And as the film festival continued, and more photos of Johnson emerged I was completely sold. Like cutting her hair out of photos and pasting it over my own selfies kind of sold. Whether she wore them simple and straight, pushed off to the side, or perfectly messy (each look created by hair stylist James Brown), Johnson made her bangs the must-have accessory of the Venice Film Festival. Check out how awesome her bangs look, and I bet you’ll be feeling the fringe lust, too.


Dakota Johnson: The Making of an It Girl

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