Cotton Balls Are the Trick to Getting Magically Longer Lashes

From Cosmopolitan

If you want longer, fuller lashes, falsies are not the only way to go. YouTube beauty vlogger Huda Kattan recently uploaded a video to her channel in which she demonstrates how to use plain old cotton to make your lashes more voluminous.

Here’s what Huda says you’ll need:

  • Mascara

  • A spoolie

  • Some cotton

First, she says to coat your lashes in mascara. Then, grab your clean spoolie and stroke the inside of a cotton ball gently with the spoolie bristles until the brush is covered. Make sure the cotton is loosely on the spoolie so the cotton bits can transfer to your lashes in the next step.


Next, lightly comb your lashes with the cotton spoolie like you’re applying mascara and then lock in that layer of cotton with another coat of mascara.


Huda repeats this step a couple more times to make her lashes more dramatic. She also suggests brushing on the second coat of cotton while your mascara is still wet to help the cotton stick to your lashes better.


And there you have it! Lashes that are actually noticeably longer. Who knew?


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