Beauty Products That Really Work While You Sleep

When it comes to skincare, a little evening TLC is more important than you think. Your skin works overtime during the day, protecting you from pollutants and bacteria, so it really needs to recharge at night. “The skin has a lot of responsibilities,” says Dr. Ava Shamban, a Beverly Hills dermatologist and author of Heal Your Skin. “It’s our primary defense mechanism.”

Related: How to Moisturize Every Skin Type

Shamban compares our skin to an army that spends all day fighting battles and at night, needs to rest and refuel—this is when the enzymes necessary for repair go into play. “People have a lot of theories about the purpose for sleep, and some recent data shows that when the brain rests there is a rinsing mechanism,” says Shamban. “For the skin, it’s very similar. There is data to show there is more cell turnover and more repair that happens [while you sleep].” She also points out that your skin loses most of its moisture during the day, so it’s wise to focus on hydration in the evening. But the most important thing you can do for your skin at night is perhaps no surprise: take off your makeup. “Makeup traps pollutants, so always take off your makeup and then add moisture,” says Shamban.

Related: 10 Tricks to Faking a Good Nights Sleep

From oils to BB creams, there are a wide range of products to aid in this overnight repair process. We’ve rounded up some of our favorites in this slideshow—now you have a new excuse to sleep in.