Here’s How You Can Get Away With Eating Ice Cream for Breakfast

When the summer heat is too much to handle (it seems to be at that point when we start sweating as soon as we step outside), eating breakfast begins to lose its appeal. In the summer months, we sometimes develop a habit of skipping our healthy oatmeal or scrambled egg whites , and just drinking a...

When the summer heat is too much to handle (it seems to be at that point when we start sweating as soon as we step outside), eating breakfast begins to lose its appeal. In the summer months, we sometimes develop a habit of skipping our healthy oatmeal or scrambled egg whites, and just drinking a huge iced coffee instead. Obviously, we make up for the calories later in the day with several scoops of ice cream. But not any more: We’ve found our new favorite way to cool down, by eating ice cream for breakfast.

The Italians are always ahead of the game when it comes to creating and enjoying the most spectacular foods. They’ve even perfected the art of summer breakfast, with a dish that we’re keen to get on board with. Start your day with an espresso granita topped with whipped cream, and you’ll be bouncing out the door, cooled, awake, and fueled with enough energy to keep you going for at least a couple of hours. You can get the full recipe for this unbeatable breakfast here. It’s simple to make, and one batch will keep you going for at least a few days.

While it’s true that this may not be the healthiest breakfast, it’s definitely an acceptable, widely recognized (in Italy at least) way to start your day, and that’s as much as we’re asking for in the searing heat of these sun-filled months. A glass of shaved iced coffee shards, with melting, gently whipped peaks of cream dolloped on top is what we’ll be enjoying every morning for the rest of the summer.