These Acne-Killling Stickers Sold Out Within Two Weeks of Launching at Sephora

What do you get when you cross a potent spot treatment with the Lisa Frank stickers that once decorated your diary. Peace Out Skincare's Acne Healing Dots, of course. Though the pretty decorations are reserved solely for the product's exterior, each of the individual stickers come saturated in a mix of acne-killing ingredients that could fade a stubborn blemish over the course of 6 hours.

Clearly, the Sephora shoppers are believers—the product launched just 2 weeks ago, and keeps selling out with every restock. The product just arrived in Sephora's physical outposts over the weekend, so we can only expect that sales will continue to skyrocket from there.

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The concept of an acne-treating sticker isn't completely new—we first caught wind of the products a few years ago, but formulas we previously tried often slid off our faces long before the ingredients could work their magic. This was all due to the adhesive wearing off when it made contact with products already on our faces, but since Peace Out's versions use a hydrocolloid technology similar to that of a Band-Aid, you don't have to worry about them slipping off overnight. The potent amount of salicylic acid will help in unclogging the pore that started the activity, while the sides of aloe vera and vitamin A counteract any potential irritation while encouraging cell turnover.

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Pick up a box of 20 at while you can right now, priced at $20.