5 Ways Men Can Maintain Their Gray

Here’s to looking bolder, not older.

By: Katie Chang

BESIDES THE STYLISH, handsome cuts turned out at the San Francisco salon The Woodbridge—owned by husband-and-wife team and industry vets Mike and Ashley Melamed—there’s a new treatment in town that’s turning the heads of local guys.

The “men’s gray coverage"—a quick, 5-minute session with a gentle foam color—was launched because working professionals, who make up most of the salon’s male clientele, were looking for ways to subtly enhance they gray they have, but also, according to Ashley, "feel more edgy and on trend." And because the coverage lasts up to 10 shampoos, it’s something you can conveniently stack on to your regularly scheduled cuts.

Are you ready to embrace your gray, but can’t get to The Woodbridge? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Here, 5 things you need to know about going gray.

Let’s face it. This is one advantage that guys, for the most part, have over women. And as long as it’s well cared for, gray hair can make you look distinguished and dapper, not dated. The key is figuring out what you want. Melamed says,”Talk to your stylist about your favorite tones and patterns of gray, and how to make these subtle changes work in favor of you.”

Once you and your stylist have decided on the look you’re going for, make sure to use the proper product. Melamed is a huge fan of Goldwell’s Men Reshade, so much in fact that she uses it in her own salon. “It’s more gentle than a semi-permanent dye, and allows you to deepen color, while adding shine and dimension. It also prevents you from looking like a chocolate dipped ice cream cone.”

If you’re going to devote time and energy to the hair on your head, you should also address other fuzzy zones, like your brows, sideburns, even your facial hair. It won’t take much additional time or money, and “will ensure an even, natural, and believable look.”

Make a point to keep a regular schedule—Melamed, in fact, recommends scheduling them with every hair cut—to keep your looks looking fresh, shiny, and healthy. But beyond the treatments, you’ll need to maintain your color with color-safe shampoos and conditioners, like these from Bumble & Bumble’s Color Minded collection.

You wouldn’t cut your own hair at home, so why chance it with color? Melamed has witnessed her fair share of “color failures,” and says it’s best to leave the process up to the professionals. “Even color that takes only five minutes is a science involving precise measurements, chemistry, and color matching.” In other words, don’t risk it.

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