13 Overnight Oats Recipe Ideas for the Easiest Morning Ever

Photo: Courtesy.

If you haven't already hopped aboard the overnight oats bandwagon, you're missing out. The ever-growing trend is a Pinterest favorite for a reason. All it takes to make them is a little bit of mixing and a night in the fridge. When you wake up, bing, bang, boom—they're ready to eat.

Make breakfast in bed a reality with these 13 easy-as-pie overnight oats recipes. Most of them taste like dessert (get ready for lots of cake-flavored ideas). And thanks to the oats and other nutritious ingredients like nuts, chia seeds, and fresh fruit, they're also all packed with protein, complex carbs, and fiber. So you can start your day on a healthy note without actually having to do any A.M. work to make it happen.

This story originally appeared on Self.

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