Man Tragically Dies While Surfing in the British Virgin Islands

Another surfer has passed away following a tragic surfing accident in Tortola.

Police in the British Virgin Islands are investigating the death of a tourist who drowned while surfing in Apple Bay Tuesday morning, according to The Virgin Islands Daily News.

According to the story, witnesses noticed the man having "difficulties and brought him ashore, where resuscitation efforts were initiated."

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The Virgin Islands Daily News reported that according to a police statement, "a report was received about an unresponsive male in Apple Bay at around 10:45 a.m."

The statement continued:

“Preliminary investigations suggest that the male, who entered the territory as a tourist, was surfing when witnesses noticed him experiencing difficulties and brought him ashore, where resuscitation efforts were initiated. He was subsequently transported to Dr. Orlando Smith Hospital and was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.”

The paper said that "BVI Surf School Director Steven Howes, who operates from Josiah’s Bay on Tortola’s northeastern end," happened to be at Apple Bay when the drowning occurred.

He told The Daily News "that one of his mates was five feet away and brought the surfer in." He declined further comment.

According the paper, there are photos circulating on social media that show several people attempting to assist with the rescue on the shore.

The tragic incident follows the death of South Africa's Dave McGregor, a respected member of the Port Alfred surfing community, who died while surfing Kelly's Beach on Monday, February 26.

McGregor was a longboard champ, former journalist, and the owner of Shaka Surf School and Surf Lodge, who was known as "a surfing and maritime legend."

The cause of death is still "undetermined," but he "may have suffered a medical incident" in the water, according to the National Sea Rescue Institute.


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