5-year-old's birthday surprise from Army dad will make you cry

One single Build-a-Bear is currently making thousands of people across the internet cry. It's not just any teddy bear, mind you. It's one Vanessa and David Villegas Jr. made for their daughter Ellianna's fifth birthday, dressed in fatigues and featuring a recording David made as he was boarding his plane bound for Army basic training.

"Hey, baby. Daddy loves you and misses you so much! I can't wait for you to be in my arms again. I love you!" the bear's recording says.

"Oh, my god, that's Daddy!" Ellianna squeals in the video, which has more than 43,000 retweets and 96,000 likes since Ellianna's aunt posted it on Wednesday.

Build-a-Bear certainly couldn't buy this kind of publicity.