$450 Starbucks Card Sells for $2,500 on eBay. Humans Still Crazy


Photo credit: Starbucks

A rose-tinted metal Starbucks card recently sold for five times its worth. Sure, it’s a somewhat scarce commodity—reportedly only 10,000 were made—but we’re still gonna file this under “Things That Make No Sense,” right alongside that $10,000 packet of Sriracha. Here are some other comestibles or potables that sold online for way, way more than their original worths:

Pepsi Blue. Oh, Pepsi Blue! You remind us of the early oughts, what with your weird font treatment and your berry flavor! But are those memories really worth $250 on eBay?

Sriracha Packets. Sriracha production has not been shut down. Repeat: Sriracha production has not been shut down. It was a partial shutdown. Shout it from the rooftops! Let the kids outdoors, open the windows, continue to use Sriracha on everything you cook.  Don’t pay $10,000 for this packet of Sriracha. And, most importantly, ignore the seller’s dire note: “Well guess what, when the zombie apocalypse arrives and you’re out of Sriracha, which are you gonna miss more—Sriracha for that rodent you just cooked, or the $10,000?”

Twinkies. Do not, now or ever, pay $5,000 for a single Twinkie. Enough said.

Surge. What? You don’t remember this Mountain Dew ripoff? Of course you don’t. We don’t, either. But a can of it sold for $100 last year.

Fake Lobsters. Not only are people paying too much for food, they’re paying too much for fake food. Please, you guys, don’t give anyone $760 for a fake lobster—even if it’s “Top Quality.”


[via Eater]