Amazon Will Give You a $1 Video Credit for Choosing a Slower Delivery Option

Amazon shipping options screenshot
Amazon shipping options screenshot

Chances are that if you’re an Amazon Prime member, part of the reason is that you can get free two-day shipping with almost any order.

But if what you’re buying isn’t an urgent purchase — like, say, a case of 120 gym socks — Amazon will give you a $1 video credit for Amazon Instant Video in return for opting for a slower delivery.

The offer is valid only to Prime members who choose Amazon’s No-Rush Shipping option, which means you’ll get your item in five to seven business days, rather than the normal two.

Your credit can be applied to video rentals and purchases on, though certain titles are excluded from the deal, including all HBO titles. That means you’re not going to get episodes Game of Thrones just by waiting for your socks.

This is a limited-time offer, ending Oct. 31, so get in as many purchases as you can before time runs out. As for us, we’re getting 150 individually wrapped erasers shipped to our offices to help round out our collection of Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes.

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