Ann Coulter Was at ‘The Roast of Rob Lowe’ Because She Didn’t Know What a Roast Was

On Monday, Comedy Central aired the The Roast of Rob Lowe, where the comedy world got together to roast the Parks and Recreation star. At these sorts of events, the guest of honor isn’t the only target—the visiting stars usually take turns ripping each other. For whatever reason, white nationalist puppet Ann Coulter was in attendance, alongside noted non-conservatives like Jewel. This went as you might expect—she got killed. The burns delivered her way were cutting and vicious—Lowe himself said, ”Why is Ann Coulter here tonight? Because the right-to-lifers wanted everyone to see what an abortion looks like up close.” One look at her face, stuck in permanent rigor mortis, was enough to raise the question of why she ever agreed to show up.

As it turns out, she thought it would be more of a mild ribbing. A few days ago, The David Feldman Show aired an interview with comedian Tony Hinchcliffe, who wrote jokes for Coulter to recite at the show. In Hinchcliffe’s telling, Coulter had no idea of what went down at the somewhat iconic roasts, and refused to learn. “We asked her if she’d seen a Comedy Central Roast, and she said no,” he said. “She had no idea what was going to happen going into it.” Listen to the interview here, and watch Vulture’s compilation of the best burns.

“I think she thought that maybe the jokes about her would be, Hey, you’re a wacky Republican!” he said. “But it was pretty much: You’re a c-word; I want you to die and burn in hell; I want you to kill yourself. There were a few jokes about how she looks like a horse, but it was mostly about hoping and praying she’d die a terrible death.”

Coulter’s attempts at line readings went awry, too. Hinchcliffe explained: “We wanted her to steal the show. We wanted her to do good because that would make us look good as writers… We sent what I would call a great script in, which I think she would have absolutely killed, and people would be saying about how Ann Coulter killed instead of saying how Ann Coulter bombed, horrendously. We got an email that she had rewritten the jokes, and had made cuts of a lot of the jokes.”

Coulter, meanwhile, proceeded not to bond with anyone during the taping of the show, instead keeping to herself. Unsurprisingly, Heathcliffe was unsparing in his assessment, calling her an “anorexic Seabiscuit” and “a wax figure of Ann Coulter.” In one line: “She is a monster of a human being. Absolutely the worst human being I’ve ever worked with in my entire life.” He also compared her to Lucifer, the Dark Lord. Show business, folks!