
Watch: ESPN soccer host crushed by TV set, avoids major injury

ESPN Colombia journalist Carlos Orduz avoided a major injury after a TV set collapsed on him Tuesday. (@RojasManuel)
ESPN Colombia journalist Carlos Orduz avoided a major injury after a TV set collapsed on him Tuesday. (@RojasManuel) (@RojasManuel)

Carlos Orduz can hopefully laugh it off after surviving one of the most terrifying moments in live sports television history.

Orduz, a reporter for ESPN Colombia, was part of a panel for ESPN FC Radio and was sitting idly Tuesday when one of the walls from the set came crashing down, thrusting him violently face-first into the desk.

The program cut to commercial as his colleagues immediately expressed concern for his well-being.

Orduz miraculously walked away without injury and after watching the video below several times (we don't recommend doing so!) we're not even sure how that's possible.

"To those who wrote to me and greeted me about the accident last night, I must tell you that I am fine, thank God after the medical check-up, the respective examinations, any issue was ruled out, only a bruise and a blow to the nose (no fracture). Greetings and thanks," Orduz tweeted, as translated by Sports Illustrated's Jimmy Traina.


We can't imagine how scary that must've been for Orduz and his colleagues — thankfully he's alright. For ESPN, however, this is no laughing matter as this now light-hearted incident could've easily turned into a tragedy.

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