
Snoop Dogg’s Private Blunt Roller Shares How She Smoked The Competition To Get Fire Gig

Ever wondered what it takes to be rapper Snoop Dogg’s official blunt roller? Renegade Piranha, who currently holds the unique position, spilled the tea on what it took to get the job, Lad Bible reports.

She recounted how the opportunity stumbled upon her while appearing on The Review podcast with Yarmacrazy.

“I knew a girl that knew the grow that was dealing using Snoop’s Premium Nutrients, which is a brand he has of really amazing premium nutrients for you to grow really amazing … premium things with,” Piranha shared.

She continued, explaining that the rapper’s team was “looking for someone to roll up for him, versus them just gifting him all the tree. And the girl — I guess — told these people, like, ‘Yo, I know this chick. She rolls the best blunts. You guys should have her do it.'”


Though the woman Piranha knew was pushing her to go for it, she wasn’t so sure.

“I kept being like, ‘I’m not going; it’s a scam. It’s not real. This isn’t real,'” she told Yarmacrazy.

After a few weeks, she decided to go to the “interview.”

“Finally, I went after a month and I had her go with me — just so that if it was a scam, she’d have to also be implicated in this,” the pro blunt roller mentioned.

Snoop Dogg’s team asked her the usual interview questions: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want to work here? How would you upgrade the blunt?

But soon, the interview took an unorthodox turn.

“There were glass tips on the table, because typically people use glass tips for joints only, so the suggestion was, ‘Why don’t we use glass tips on the blunt?'”

That concluded day one of the interview process.

Piranha shared she came back the next day and participated in a “roll off” with two other people to secure the gig.

“I had a roll off with a sound engineer that works with Snoop, that I guess Snoop kind of recommended, and then a Venezuelan cigar roller who rolls big boy stogies at parties,” she detailed.

The rapper’s sound engineer and the cigar roller didn’t stand a chance.

“And I smoked them, to say the least, in that competition,” she added. “So from that day forward, I was the premier blunt roller of the planet — blunt roller to the stars now.”

And the rest is history.