
WHO says COVID-19 lockdowns should be 'last resort'

WHO says that COVID-19 lockdowns should be the "last resort". Yahoo Finance's Anjalee Khemlani shares the details.

Video Transcript

JULIE HYMAN: Let's first though get an update on what is happening with coronavirus. We haven't done this in a little while, because we have seen sort of a more steady trajectory, but that appears to be changing. So right now, we're going to get an update from our Anjalee Khemlani here in the US followed by an update from Europe. Anjalee, let's start with you on what we're seeing here in the United States. It looks like, what, a third peak of infections?

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: That's correct. If you look at how the waves sort of hit the US, we were talking about, you know, a couple months ago how parts of the US that did not initially get hit by the virus as much were now seeing, and that includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Idaho, Montana, you know, up in the middle of the country there. But now, we're seeing more broader seven day rolling averages rising, giving concern to the fact that, you know, we are expecting this third, you know, peak, second wave, whatever you want to call it, in some of the most populated states, which we were expecting to happen, so that includes California, Florida, New York and Texas as well.


And this is going back to what health experts have broadly said is supposed to be, you know, happening. They were expecting this rise. The question remains whether or not the federal government and the states themselves are able to address this in time without reverting to, you know, what we've seen as very strict lockdowns in other parts of the world.

JULIE HYMAN: Yes, and this says the WHO says the very strict lockdowns are not the ideal, although the WHO guidance on various factors has been sort of all over the place. Thank you very much, Anjalee.